Academic Master


how does motivation help an individual to work for a service agency at a preschool?

Religious believers, as well as atheists, argued that religious belief could be successful in eliminating bad actions from society and continuing the good ones. According to my perspective, religious beliefs are practiced all over the world and are highly beneficial in motivating people to do genuinely good and beneficial actions.

The concept of the afterlife exists, but it is still ignored because of the great temptation of bad actions. There are many ways by which an individual can be motivated and some real facts that would help them understand the need for good actions and the consequences of bad actions. The main aim of the paper is to discuss the different sources of motivation that would help an individual work for a service agency at a preschool.

There are a number of people’s religious motivations that truly help others, but they could also perform harm. The religious communities attempt to volunteer as it increases humanitarian concerns and satisfies an individual working on something positive for society. Religious people help in providing motivation through past incidents and religious quotes. In contrast, sometimes, it harms many people who perform religious activities and do good work. The people who preach or explain religious concerns about a specific incident would cause in making an individual extremist, as it happened in many areas of the world.

There are many examples in which religion became a cause of cruelty and harm. For example, in the name of religion, the terrorists were working against the other religions in which the prominent name is Islam. Islam specifically explains that peace is the only way prosperity can be achieved, and there is no way to make war. Still, the lack of knowledge caused millions of people to get involved in terrorist activities. Another example that became the cause of good action included volunteering. Almost all religions prefer volunteering; it helps feed the poor and gives them shelter, clothing, and other necessities.

In my opinion, motivation is very important behind someone’s action as it would avoid in causing conflicting situations. People would not be able to make mistakes, and the repetition of mistakes would also be eliminated. I would highly recommend that motivation is essential for performing a better action. The motivations behind someone’s actions are essential as they help him to understand if he is doing something beneficial for the community or not. If the motivation is eliminated, the purpose of the action would die, and an individual would not be able to continue for a long time.

In volunteer work, motivation is highly required. Motivation would be in the form of explaining the need for the action an individual is being performed. My service agency works at a preschool, and our main aim is to provide services at a preschool where little children learn the basic tactics to live according to their strengths and build themselves up for school education. The children at preschool would be an entire motivation as their nurturing of skills and completion of preschool would help the volunteers find motivation in themselves.

The best motivation for the volunteers at the preschool is the awareness of the outcomes of their actions. The volunteers must be reminded occasionally that their action outcomes would be the children’s good and positive pre-education, which would help them become good citizens of society. The example would be given in the form of schools and college students who were once in the hands of volunteers in the preschools.



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