From: UN Ambassador
Subject: Regarding the special session of the UN Secretary Council
This memorandum intends to discuss the current issues that need to be addressed urgently. These issues include Syria and the war on terrorism.
Requesting Special Assistance For Syria
Syria is currently going through a terrible moment. The situation in Syria is horrible. Most families in Syria cannot even access basic necessities, including food and shelter. Their children cannot also attend classes. The war is happening in streets and towns. Since the war began, over 400,000 Syrians have died, and 1 million are nursing injuries. Many have been displaced, and over 5 million are now refugees abroad.
Syria represents one of the most serious threats to international peace and security. We have recently witnessed violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. The United Nations would like to condemn the airstrikes on Syria that were meant to hinder Syria’s capability to use chemical weapons. Any use of chemical weapons in Syria to Syria and under any circumstance is strongly condemned by the United Nations.
The UN Security Council has a key responsibility to maintain international security and peace. We, therefore, call upon member states to help in achieving this objective. I would also like to remind the U.S. government that,t as a member state, there is a responsibility mainly when dwelling on matters pertaining to peace and security. The obligation is to consistently act according to the charter of the United States and generally with international law. Lastly, the US government should also avoid any dangerous acts and circumstances that can escalate matters plus worsen the suffering of people in Syria.
War On Terrorism
For many years, the United States has supported counter-terrorism efforts and committed funds toward the war against terrorism. The report that was currently released by the US 2018 national security strategy shows that the priorities of the United States are changing hugely. The 2018 national security strategy draws an obvious shift in focus from the war on terrorism, such as the one posed by Russia together with China. Even though terrorism is still a security goal for the United States, national defence strategy shows that interstate strategic competition is the main concern in US national security and not terrorism.
The change in the focus on terrorism has many potential consequences for international counterterrorism attempts.
The indication of your government’s intention to increase military funding means an increase in the United States’ kinetic capabilities. The capabilities will likely fight conventional armies instead of terror groups; also, the draft of the 2018 budget indicates a huge decrease in the USAID budgets and state departments. This decrease in that budget was done even though the State Department plus USAID took part in counterterrorism. In undermining the soft power of the US, it reduces the tools that your administration can use to respond to and avoid terrorist threats. Your constant theme in security policy that demands US allies to carry the burden of counterterrorism has potential challenges. If US leadership withdraws from counter-terrorism, this means other nations will take this burden, and yet they lack the required military and intelligence capacity.
The Security Council of the United Nations aims to have a relationship with member states to strengthen existing as well as develop new partnerships by travelling and attending counter–terrorism–related meetings. The United Secretary Council would like to urge your administration to join in war ageist terrorism.
Goodrich, L. M., & Simons, A. P. (1955). The United Nations and the maintenance of international peace and security (Vol. 3). Brookings Institution.
Nye Jr, J. S. (2015). The decline of America’s soft power. In Paradoxes of Power (pp. 39-44). Routledge.