Academic Master


Marxism View on Migration

Karl Marx viewed capitalist practices as a symbol of inequality and he considered International Relations as a much bigger symbol of discrimination. He believed that the world belonged to everyone and they should have an equal right to it. His view on borders was that these created a relation of inequality and unhealthy dependency among the people as it controlled and restricted their access to labor and resources. He thought that the migration was also in capitalist interest as the people that were leaving their countries were depended on the other country for better labor and resources. However; the country would make more profit off of them with the promise of the labor than the people themselves.

In light of this theory, recent global migration trends were observed and in a report by United Nations, it was revealed that India was the biggest country to show the migration trend as 18 million people have left the country for better opportunities and life. The reason behind this is that India is a third-world country and it is extremely overpopulated with the majority of people living below the poverty line. So it makes sense that the Indian population is leaving in search of better resources (Nations, 2021). There is a stigma against the immigrants as they are seen to be damaging the economy, however; another report informed that all immigrants including the Indians contributed 2 trillion U.S. dollars in the years of 2015 and 2016 alone and this number has been going up since (PTI, 2016). So as Marx suggested that the country that takes in the immigrants; profits more than them, seems to hold the truth. However; it is not necessarily a bad thing as the immigrants get to have a better life and their contribution is also helping the economy of the country get better. Countries would not allow immigration if the immigrants would become a burden on the society. This is a simple give and take relationship in which both the immigrants and country benefits.


Nations, U. (2021). International Migration 2020 Highlights. United Nations; United Nations.

PTI. (2016, September 23). Immigrants contribute $2 trillion to US economy; Indians ‘the most entrepreneurial’ of all groups. The Financial Express.



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