Academic Master

Computer Sciences

Making Random Decisions In Life

Our fate is so unpredictable, yet full of immense instants and big resolutions that we have to make in our lifetime. Most of the time, we have to make our decisions based on imprecise, incomplete, or even wrong facts and figures. From determining where to stay to uncovering our true destiny, we have to make random decisions that have a significant impact on our life ahead (Chen, 2018). The primary choice everyone is most likely to have to make in their early mature life is to locate the college or high school that best fits their choice.

College degrees often show a relationship with the profession, but not at all times. For almost everyone, accommodation is considered a significant expenditure. One chief decision here is to decide whether you should buy a home or whether hiring the house for rent is more feasible. In addition to the variance in accommodation expenditures, you’ll need to take into consideration how long you plan on staying in a place. In the recent past, my family needed to switch houses due to my father’s transfer to another city. Changing to a different municipality is thrilling at all times. However, with pleasure arises trouble. At times, necessities such as foodstuff, conveyance, water, housing etc., ask for additional attention and preparation. We just had a week to pack all our stuff and find a new place to live in an entirely new city. Locating a new house in a wholly new area can be challenging if the enterprise has not previously arranged the housing. First of all, we had to choose between agents or owners. My brother said we should go to house owners directly, while my elder sister insisted on going to a property dealer as she said that we don’t know anything here in this new place, so why not let the expert do it for us (“The Importance of Accuracy”, 1988). While being utterly naïve about the area and the prices of renting, we selected one house that was near my father’s office. Later on, finding means of transportation in a new city proved to be a tiresome task. Since it was a new city, we apparently didn’t know the roads. So we were looted by certain auto drivers as they used to charge us extra rent than the standard rate.


Chen, J. (2018). The Dangers of Accuracy: European Data Protection Law Review, 4(1), 36-52.

The Importance of Accuracy. (1988). The Journal Of Dermatologic Surgery And Oncology, 14(5), 477-477.



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