Academic Master


Main Themes of Othello

Jealousy, pride, and revenge refers to “Themes” Othello’s critical scholars consistently throughout history. Applying to the development of psychoanalysis and the literary character of the 20th century, critics have extended their previous interpretation of the three most important characters of the game and offers a new explanation of their actions and motivations. Othello nature of negative comments often fatal flaws looking at pride and jealousy. The author describes how his incredibly honest Othello and followers of the game and judicial protection of his domain affirmed trend. His analysis of the structure of the game to focus on Shakespeare’s design economy “attention to the” self-destruction of characters, because of the lack of knowledge “of concentration, which all people, which distorts the result of persistence of makeup for review through the media exaggerated Othello himself, “he said. Othello Champions argues that he makes him acutely sensitive to the respective jealousy operations and his wife. Other scientists, the character of Othello who use psychoanalytic theory to interpretation. For example, Othello offered an unresolved Oedipus complex as a source of delusional jealousy. Reed, and rejects his father by Othello’s mother who “betrayal” defended that he rejected. Similarly, Othello includes contradictory tendencies be the character and compound given the behavior. Eight detects complex Oedipus as a major factor.

OTHELLO: ” Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuates, nor set down aught in malice: then must you speak of one that loved not wisely but too well; Of one, not easel jealous, but being wrought perplexed in the extreme”(5.2.341-345). Here, Othello says that he wants to be remembered by the word man, not by “easily jealous.” He regrets of accusing Desdemona of infidelity and that he murdered her”.

Views on the character of Desdemona very divided. Some critics of his innocent described him as passive victims, some lose their fate, at least partially qualified as the responsibility for the future and establish their dominion. The purpose of the Roma, who are actively seeking goals Desdemona and unconscious death wish was said to a character who wants to dominate. This indicates Othello, when recounting his efforts to revive the observed Cassio and, ultimately, Oedipus reveals the motivation for the actions that led to the death of the compound. Desdemona, “a man who has chosen his father’s representative as an object of love,” he said. Solomon, when is compelled to make such an incestuous choice to sharpen the jealousy of Othello further. “However, Desdemona” kind of ambiguous behavior, “innocence and was interpreted as a sign of positive moral position. Othello” is better than to think continually severely insist asking that he keeps sexually obsessed with the murder of the son of the tyrant to receive tragedy woman Mundane. “Other scientists have tried to focus on advancing the review of Desdemona SAH sun tragedy game.

The author is no superior to Othello’s Desdemona and more like a game in the first place a human tragedy, which has been charged, claimed that research on the complexity of Othello’s wedding. It seems to be one of the most surprising character action games Iago is the apparent lack of logic. Therefore, the dominant theme in Othello’s critique, Iago was an attempt to explain his motivation. Some researchers agree that the decision to carry out the causes of in Shakespeare’s text and would never do it again; “Iago is the mystery of an evil analysis of the request of such mysteries is attempting to perform Shakespeare.

“I hate the Moor: And it is thought abroad, that ‘twixt my sheets he has done my office: I know not it be true; But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety.”(1.3.12). Earlier, Iago said he hates Othello because Othello, The Moor, didn’t give him the promotion. Here, Iago says he hates Othello because he’s heard a rumor that Othello has been hooking up with Iago’s wife, Emilia. Iago says he doesn’t exactly know if the rumor’s true, but he’s decided to go ahead and ruin Othello’s life anyway”.

However, many commentators labeled as a bad personality argued that the character development of Shakespeare’s abilities translates into justice. For example, Shakespeare proposed the creation of an in-depth and precise portrait of the psychopath Iago. West said: “Iago immature only impulse momentum Instant Iago recreation stories.” Actions and marriage repressed homosexual feelings, which replaced him love Othello extortion and acts of hate Cassio Desdemona, which can be attributed. Other critics argue that Iago’s sense of hopelessness and self-loathing is suffering from a vicious one and is reflected in the feelings of others, trying to cope with these feelings, trying to destroy the sense of peace and joy. The tragedy in the heart of the character, which has been concluded. Inevitably, this explains the quality of what happens ultimately responsible for each person who comes to you, but the tragic nature of the conflict, which has led them to flee, mainly from people.

“O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mocks the meat it feeds on;”(3.3.15). Here Iago manipulates Othello. He tells him not to be jealous, but at the end, jealousy ends up destroying the heart of the man who falls prey to it.

Although Othello is often praised as the simplest tragedy of William Shakespeare, the hero of many critics of Shakespeare found the central character more heroic. Some of them concluded that silly to save; Others described as passionate crushed by a strong sense of presence; However, others have found it insensitive to the enormity of compassion and action. However, these injuries, which was created for a noble soldier in the game is pale to emotion and sympathy.

Othello, Moor or Black a man, charming and mysterious foreign country is a foreign person. Passionate, but not lacking in sensitivity. On the contrary, his problem, which is the revival of Italy, Britain and the connivance of Shakespeare’s time was reputed intrigue is that the land was pushed to the very sophisticated and cultivated context. Shakespeare uses career to many influences:

It is evident that he and emphasizing the allies of difference in which Othello’s marriage of the society in which he finds himself; More dexterously and ironically, to raise the terrible attitude of white Iago forms of the game. Othello, more than anything else, more civilized society faced initiatives, left hand and made a “natural man.” Although his instincts were based on love and security, these natural virtues have been taken to the community will make him extremely vulnerable.

The primary source of vulnerability may have been seen in the image is the complete immorality of Shakespeare. Due to the very nature of Iago wrong, he did not need motivation for opposition to Othello. She inherited it for promotion, but it is not an excuse not to need a hateful place of Othello. Othello, Iago found hard, open and spontaneous, generous love. Othello seduces by the idea that his women are even more amazing in production to eliminate fundamental corruption.

Iago is considered only as a victim of other people or devices. One Renaissance good, the virtuous classic of the atheist-wise, righteous, and everyone finds pleasure from corruption and flexible abuse. It is based on the mind and deceives because it believes that the whole world can be destroyed, the result is not put in danger. There is no other purpose in life. Othello by such a manipulator is a good man cultural elements, is an ideal place.

Many other works of Shakespeare, character Iago, is a stage director of all the action. Later they dedicated themselves to destroy Othello is advancing with conspiracies and signed for this purpose. He says he wants to tell the others, putting one against the other characters, and the detailed evidence revealed to deceive Moore defenseless. Edgar Stoll, to convince the other characters of the production of Iago in few extraordinary achievements argued that the frequent opportunities of evil rebirth. However, there are more things about traditional Iago conflict or natural abilities. Othello beautiful views of victims and human relations, because it is Lara Dayan intuition, not the intellect. Desdemona his brief and established the commitment briefly as the confidence of his companions, among them Lago. Not only that, Iago universally believed. Oddly enough, all but Desdemona’s features could fool anyone. In this sense, Othello is the only one who can deceive.



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