Academic Master


Luck Or Opportunity

A Roman philosopher, Seneca, once said, “Luck is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity”. By this quote, she wanted to convey that selve can make luck and that it is our perspective that differentiates between lucky and unlucky people. She meant that at the end of the day an excellent preparation to seek or to grab opportunity could lead you to success.

I agree with her to a great extent. Preparation is more imperative rather than praying about luck. Sometimes, you need to create an opportunity to bring luck to your door, too. For instance, if you are not satisfied with the status quo of your life and you need to get out of it and make changes, you obviously need to look up opportunities instead of staying in bed and waiting for luck to knock at your door.

Luck is a very enchanted and numinous word. It brings the idea of magic and wonders to happen. But in truth, it is your capability and aptitude to prepare yourself and be equipped to grasp the dead-on opportunity for what you crave in life. By this, the combination of opportunity and luck will collide at your door.

As we have learnt and heard since our childhood hard work is the key to success. If we keep our faith in this proverb, then there is no point in believing in luck, but I think at some points in life, our luck has a vital role in it. Some people believe that there is no opportunity without luck.

I am certain of the fact that it is hard work and effort that leads one to success and not luck. One needs to look for better options and opportunities to achieve their milestones. Life is not a bed of roses where you’ll be served a plate of luck.


Wiseman, D. R. (2008). The Luck Factor (1 ed.). MaxPitch Media, Inc.



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