Academic Master


Invictus Movie Analysis

The Invictus is one of the arousing movies that contain manipulations and emotions, and it is open to the commitment of the beliefs in the basic decency of humanity, unafraid of accusations of sloppiness and unabashed in the aim of inspiring and drawing people together. The movie begins by illustrating the divided society, and it was released after 27 years of incarceration. As Mandela was driving along the road between two playing fields, one side was black kids playing in the rusty goalposts while the other side was immaculately kitted for the white boys playing rugby.  As Mandela passed, the black kids shouted while on the other hand, the white coach said: “This is the day our country went to the dogs” (Clint, Lori, & Robert, 2009).

Later on, in the movie, Mandela was elected as the president, which put him into the terrific task of seeking forgiveness and reconciliation. In the crucial, controversial decision of risking alienated black supporters through prevention of new sports counsel, “abolition of the springbok rugby team and the green and gold uniforms.” This enhanced a positive move in bringing unity by supporting the team in the 1995 World Cup. Therefore, he uses the rugby championship for political and moral purposes. He invited Francois Pienaar, who is a middle-class man and the captain of the badly failing team, and in the conversation, Mandela asked him about the greatest philosophy of leadership. He says that he always leads by example. Pienaar and his team later make an unforgettable visit to Robben Island, where Mandela was jailed for 18 years, and he tries to imagine the way life was like in prison. At the last minute, the movie is dominated by a series of rugby games presenting a game of dispiriting light on the face of South Africa.

Works Cited

Morgan, F., & Tim, M. (Directors). (2009). Invictus [Motion Picture].



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