Academic Master


Incident at Vichy

A play’s effectiveness depends on the cast, directing, scenery, and detailed body language application. The movie “Incident at Vichy” is considered average writing by Arthur Miller despite its outstanding casting. Arthur Miller’s movie shows an outward expression of morality, fear, and evil. This artwork presents these arguments in a balanced way to create a theme that highlights social issues in the real world. However, to understand the effectiveness of a play, it is necessary to assess the key moments that show its purpose. The discussion below analyzes the efficiency of casting, the most successful characters, the ineffective characters, the collaboration of the cast, and the director’s creativity.

The idea behind the production was well executed, with the cast showing a unified presentation. The director effectively provided adequate interpretation of the text into an elaborated play. However, there is evidence of some shortcomings due to a lack of conviction in the character play. The characters do not effectively bring out the play’s mood and setting, which impairs its quality (Miller Arthur). The elements of the play do not fuse seamlessly due to a few glitches in the play. The costumes and the symbolic bright lighting relatively fit the scenarios in the play by giving the viewer an unaltered view of the events in the movie. The costumes give the actors an easy time bringing out their characteristics and the play’s setting. The costumes majorly highlight the modern setting in the play, thus giving the audience a clue into the timelines of occurrence of the events.

Furthermore, the director coordinates the actors’ movements onstage in a less effective way in representing the arguments in the play. However, this was not the case for the entire play since some moments exhibited outstanding performance. The exits and entrances were smooth, with each character readily showing presence in their prescribed roles (Miller Arthur). The actions in the movie were hard to follow in some areas due to a lack of articulation and effective presentation of the arguments. Besides, the rhythm and pace of the production showed flaws due to drag and awkward pauses between the episodes in the movies. Moreover, the movie had a quick succession of scenes that limited the audience from decoding the message effectively. Besides, the cast fit into their respective groups, which boosted the belief in the nature of the movie and the relationship between the actors.

The movie Incident at Vichy is acted in a moderate space with a simple setup. The movie exhibits a modern setting with a proscenium stage that eliminates the use of elaborate setups. The space was limited to confine the actors to the movie’s theme. However, the element of confinement was not clear, but the setup was instrumental in bringing out the movie’s theme. The stage had limited furniture that only accommodated several actors (Miller Arthur). The stage was in the form of a room enclosure with efficient playing space and a tense atmosphere made effective by the posture and body language. Besides, the space was adequate to efficiently meet the stage requirements of the movie, thus improving production. The movie did not use any dominant colors, but the room was well lit to create a vibrant setting. Moreover, the movie was set in a prisoner warehouse, which blended with the movie’s purpose. As a result, the movie effectively brought out the expectations of what a prisoner’s holding would look like when awaiting trial during the holocaust period.

In conclusion, the movie “Incident at Vichy” shows the strengths and weaknesses in different areas throughout the play. The movie director manages to bring out the movie’s general idea and how each event unfolds. Watching this movie makes it easy to picture the state of living during the Nazi regime and the holocaust. Therefore, it is safe to say that the production team was dedicated to their work despite a few shortcomings. However, technological advancement and cinematography development make it possible to develop movie quality.

Works Cited

Miller, Arthur. “Incident at Vichy.” BroadwayHD, 1973,



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