Academic Master


Importance of Secure Attachment in Children

Attachment is an inborn instinctive bond or connection that is exhibited between a parent and the offspring. Attachment develops slowly from the moment a child is born throughout the early years. Attachment is known to help a baby in developing healthy emotions, how they perceive their world and develop healthy attitudes.The impact of the attachment of a baby to the people around may have alasting effect on the way the child will relate with others in the future.

As explained by Wardle (2013) there are different types of attachment and they help show how important a mother should try to establish a secure attachment with the newborn..a baby with secure attachment will protest when the parents leave but will seek reunion when the mother returns and then continue to play with the toys checking on her from time to time.Those with insecure resistant attachment try to cling to the mother and are very upset when the mother leaves. They then turn away in anger when the mother returns after a brief reunion. Insecure-avoidant babies ignore their mother when they go and come back. A mother should strive to ensure a primary attachment is established with the baby as this influences the nature and quality of the child’s development (Wardle, 2013).A mother should be sensitive, responsive and playful when interacting with the child.The infant should be fed when hungry and also allowed to play freely on the floor (Haddad,2018). A mother should be sensitive to the emotional changes of the child.Any physical and emotional discomfort should be addressed immediately.It’s important to provide face to face feedback.

Attachment in an infant gives the child comfort and leads to the development of a sense of security.The infant also comes to know there are people who are there to meet his needs and also develops warmth and close relationship with others in the future. The child with a secure attachment will also develop a high sense of self-worthiness leading to a confident personality.Secure attachment is important in future interactions with peers in school, family members at home and with other members of the society.Insecure attachments will cause problems in these areas and mother should strive to create a secure attachment to her baby.


Wardle, F. (2013). Collaboration with families and communities. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Haddad, D.,(2018). Biological factors influence Child development, Very well family, retrieved from,



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