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Importance Of Arts And Humanities In School

Literature Review

Art and humanities are considered the two crucial and mandatory dimensions of overall education development at any level. The one unfortunate perspective associated with these forms of studies is that the world is less concerned about these subjects as compared to other academic fields. It is observed that most people want their children to excel in the fields of science and other contemporary subjects. This particular approach cannot ignore the fact that a necessary understanding of arts and humanities is crucial for children. The particular facets of arts and humanities come up with many considerations which play a major role in the overall development of kids and give them necessary directions for the future. The features of arts and humanities are crucial because they provide an opportunity for students to learn from the past and use this information in the present to make their future secure and with fewer mistakes. These two paradigms of studies in any international school encourage young students to see the world from somewhat different perspectives and rethink the different facets of life. Here, the focus is to consider the previously done research studies to effectively indicate the importance of arts and humanities in schools and how they can influence the learning of students and prepare them for life.

It is crucial for the school sector to consider the features of arts and humanities as the core subject due to the vast form of effectiveness for children. These subjects have the potential to encourage students to learn out of the box to figure out different and feasible solutions. The historical perspective of this form of study provides an effective understanding of time to the students. Kids became able to understand the approach of the different historical events and can compare them with today’s world. The importance of the subject of humanities is effectively discussed by Graham Butt, Simon Catling, Tony Eaude, and Peter Vass in their exploratory study. They come up with the focus of why it is immensely crucial to consider the facet of humanities in primary education. According to the authors, the humanities approach in the early years of education is crucial for children because it provides crucial insights into the overall paradigm of school. It is also viable because it provides the direction for the appropriate behaviour in the case of children (Butt et al.). It is immensely crucial because it is the only paradigm that gives the proper understanding to the students in their early life about the features of learning and writing.

Educationists propose a specific approach, considering the cross-curricular approach, to provide an effective form of understanding of the world to children. The prospects of arts and humanities have the potential to provide a necessary chance for children so they become able to enhance the facet of spirituality in their lives. It also provides them with an approach to critically understanding the aspects of social and cultural development, which ultimately helps them adopt different societal facets in the future. Keeping the subject of humanities in schools is mandatory because it is the only approach that helps children to understand themselves and effectively cope with the changing paradigm of the world in the future through proper and effective decision-making. It is the prime responsibility of policymakers and educators to effectively align curriculum content with the actual needs of development and growth in the case of children. It is critical to figure out what knowledge should be given to children in their early education to help them utilize this knowledge for future development.

Art education is another crucial feature that has a strong impression on the overall education perspective in the case of children. The subject of art has the potential to influence the thinking process of students. It enhances their ability to observe different scenarios of life and make critical decisions. It is notable to mention that the aspect of the student’s perception plays a vital role in understanding the overall effectiveness of the art experiences. Eulalie Nderu-Boddington effectively investigates this particular aspect of his research work about art study. Consideration of the art education in the overall curriculum of the primary study is based on the perceptions related to the features of the overall education plan. In the last few years of educational development, art educators have become more interested in figuring out how much art can effectively play a role in enhancing the overall feature of the educational paradigm. It is necessary to consider that a better understanding of art helps children enhance their scores in other subjects, such as math (Nderu-Boddington). The particular feature of the perception of the high school students plays a major role in the overall enhancement of art studies. These perceptions can be considered as the necessary direction for the policymakers to effectively improve the facet of art in the overall paradigm of the study curriculum.

The author of the following research study explained that the study of art could be helpful for children in their learning because it can enhance the motivation level of the students. A better understanding of the artwork can help increase their cognitive skills and help them understand different perspectives more effectively and critically. It became essential for policymakers to consider the importance of the humanities in the early years of education. The facet of today’s education cannot be considered as the complete approach without the consideration of art and humanities. Christine M. Reiter explores the idea that the field of humanities is the one integral form to enhance the approach of STEM. The aspect of STEM is based on the subjects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (Reiter).

It is necessary to include the features of art and humanities in the classrooms as technology-focused education features overshadow this necessary approach to education. The elements of value and effectiveness are closely linked to the features of arts and humanities in the field of education. The overall effectiveness of the proper understanding of the arts and humanities cannot be ignored in today’s modern world as it creates effective connections with the other fields of studies (Belfiore). These two dimensions of education can help children enhance their learning capacities in the long run as well.

The detailed review of the previously done research work provides guidance to explore more effective dimensions related to the subjects of art and humanities in the case of primary-level education. It is evident that the proper understanding of the different facets associated with the approaches of arts and humanities can help children align their minds with the flow of knowledge and information. These facets can provide them with a better approach to making feasible life decisions. Proper assessment of the need for art and humanities can also be helpful for policymakers to encourage the paradigm of these subjects in the early years of education. The importance of these subjects cannot be ignored in the early years because they assist the children for the rest of their lives in different fields.

Work Cited

Belfiore, Eleonora. “‘Impact’,‘Value’and ‘Bad Economics’: Making Sense of the Problem of Value in the Arts and Humanities.” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, vol. 14, no. 1, 2015, pp. 95–110.

Butt, Graham, et al. Why Focus on the Primary Humanities Now? Taylor & Francis, 2017.

Nderu-Boddington, Eulalee. “Arts Education and Student’s Perception.” Online Submission, 2008.

Reiter, Christine M. 21st Century Education: The Importance of the Humanities in Primary Education in the Age of STEM. 2017.



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