Academic Master

Health Care

Importance of Mental Health Awareness

Mental sickness is a condition that disturbs the individual’s mood feelings or thinking. This kind of situation can affect day-to-day activities and functions. People who have been diagnosed with the same condition face distinct experiences. There could be many factors that lead to mental health problems, for example, a) family history of the same problem, b) life practices, trauma, or abuse, c) biological reasons such as brain chemistry or genes, d) use of alcohol or having few friends.


This paper will explain the types, causes, symptoms, and treatment of mental illness. How to cope with them beforehand at the early stage? The thesis statement would explain, “Why is Mental Health Awareness Important?” Mental health is an essential issue in the area of public health, and some studies have been conducted to determine its value. The importance of mental health awareness has a significant impact on families and the public. Innocent lives have been taken, and many families have suffered because of an individual who has gone untreated for the disease.


Nature and Scope

Mental health awareness helps the population to understand what mental health is, how to assist families, the help needed to cope with the disease, and does awareness and early intervention increase the chances of prevention. One adult person out of five faces such an experience every year. One out of Seventeen lives experiences a severe mental disorder like bipolar disorder or Schizophrenia. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 75% of mental health conditions advances by the age of 24, and it begins by the age of 14 (Mental Health Conditions | NAMI). Early support and engagement are crucial to improving fast output. All these outcomes can be achieved with the first diagnosis. Awareness is though, a difficult task by filling one day with a green ribbon. It eases the identification and initial treatment of people. These people can be our family members, neighbors, loved ones, or even ourselves. The following are the problems associated with the mental disorder;

Types of Mental Disorders

People having anxiety disorder fear responding to specific situations or objects. It includes panic disorder, phobia, social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, etc. 2) Attention Disorder/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent childhood mental disorder that advances to adolescence and adulthood. People with this dysfunction have a problem paying close attention, and they do not have control over their impulsive behavior. 3) People who suffer from lousy mood disorder live with severe indications. Their mood affects both mental and psychological well-being. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of 10 adults undergo some mood disorder (Learn about Mental Health). No pessimism, Irritability, lack of interest in hobbies or any activity, or thoughts of death are symptoms of sickness.

Another kind is called an eating disorder. The patient decreases his food consumption, starts overeating, or is concerned about his body shape being fat. It includes anorexia and binge eating. People with anorexia always check their weight as they see themselves as overweight despite being underweight. They eat in small quantities or have limited their food eatery. Anorexia has the highest mortality rate. Binge-eating patients cannot control their eating. They are used to eating an excessive amount of food. They are being noticed as obese and weighty. 5) A person can become a patient with PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) if when he sees a traumatic incident, for instance, a crime, war, or physical mistreatment. 6) Schizophrenia patients usually see, hear, and believe things that do not exist. They might show symbols of disorganized thinking or chaotic speeches. Hallucinations and illusions are the symptoms of schizophrenia. 7) Obsessive Compulsion Disorder (OCD) is somehow related to obsessive thoughts that are irrational same as a Schizophrenic patient. Signs begin during childhood. The exact causes of OCD are unknown, but researchers do believe that an activity occurring in the brain is responsible. The area of the mind does not respond to the nerve cells to communicate with each other.


It is a big concern for others when they study mental health sickness, what are the issues and causes. Through research, it has been proven that there are several reasons that an individual is traumatized by the illness that can be related to their daily activities. How these problems are being dealt with, and what techniques can be used to prevent these at the early stage?

The complications that are responsible for the cause of mental illness are found common in all types of mental health issues, which include; shyness, stressful life events, being female, smoking, cigarette smoking or use of alcohol, brain injuries, low birth weight, sleeping problems, upset, always fear of threats or horror, changes in emotions such as helplessness, irritability, malnutrition and difficulty before birth, and viruses’ exposure. There may be several other problems, but these are mostly noticed.

Solutions and Treatments

All of the above-discussed problems leading to mental illness and types are treated with Psychotherapy, Medication, or sometimes both (NIMH, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Other than these treatment training is also provided by the professionals.


Psychotherapy helps patients with anxiety, ADHD, Depression or mood disorder, PTSD, eating disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. To be precise, this therapy must be focused on patients’ needs. It further includes sub-therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT); used to change patients’ behavior, reaction, and thinking and support them to learn social skills. Cognitive and Exposure therapy are sub-components of CBT. Cognitive treatment identifies challenges and areas where to focus and then counter while the focus of exposure therapy assists the patient to engage patients in activities that they have been escaping. Stress management and meditation is a subtype of psychotherapy that is used to calm patients; aerobic exercise has calming effects. Avoiding drug, alcohol, and other illicit drugs are considered in this treatment.


Medication is prescribed by a psychiatrist or medical doctor to relieve symptoms. It is provided in the initial stages. Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications may be used to treat the patient. Research suggests treating mental disorder patients with both medication and psychotherapy to have a better outcome.


To conclude, seeking a professional will be an excellent place to start, but it should have been known and appropriately diagnosed; the professional must be a psychiatrist or medical doctor. To support an individual cope with such a disorder, we must first know how to recognize it; once we can accept it, we can then seek help in learning how to understand and help others cope with the illness.


Hope! Too, P., Good, A., Try, R., & Battles, M. (2018). Mental Health Conditions | NAMI:     National Alliance on Mental Retrieved 13 February 2018, from

Learn About Mental Health – Mental Health – CDC. (2018). Retrieved 13 February, 2018, from

NIMH » Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. (2018). Retrieved 13 February 2018, from



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