Academic Master


Identify Three Goals for Your Education Career at Colorado Christian University

A goal is the object of a person’s aim, effort, ambition, or desired result, which he pursues to excel in every field of his life. Every person has several goals to achieve at different times in his life. Indeed, a life without a goal is like a fleet sailing without a destination. Therefore, I had a lifetime goal when I first came to CCU: to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Business to increase my knowledge of theory methods of the thriving business market and learn ways and tactics to put theoretical knowledge into practice. Three goals for my education career while at Colorado Christian University are growing in faith, advancing in my field through learning business trends and striving to graduate in Business with honors.

The first goal and resolve, I was determined to pursue when I started my bachelor’s degree in Business in the Fall semester of 2022 are growing in faith through understanding the scriptures in the Bible. At first, when I started to look at colleges for getting enroll in bachelor’s degree in Business, I did not think attending a Christian college. However, by the grace of God, I was able to be enrolled in Colorado Christian University, where I can thrive in my academic career as well as grow in faith. At CC University, I realized that just as I grew physically from an infant to a mature adult, my life is also designed to grow spiritually into a mature Christian. Instructors at CCU also made me realize that to grow deeper in my faith in Christ, I must practice how to approach my entire life from a religious and Christian perspective.

Having a career in Business has always been my life goal, and the resolve grew even stronger with time. I understand that the arena of business is constantly changing, unlike other fields. Therefore, I feel that I need to have practical knowledge about the world’s market and business to be the best entrepreneur possible among my future associates. With diligence, I realize the significance of gaining practical knowledge of business trends is vital for gaining credibility with my associates in the future that I will be serving in the business field. Moreover, I have chosen this degree for the purpose of fulfilling the call of God which He has placed on my life. While attending Colorado Christian University, I answered God’s calling to begin a ministry for the homeless. I want this ministry to help homeless people with shelter, clothing, and food as well as to help build them up spiritually on a belief system where Christ, as a unifying center of the universe, matters.

My third goal is to graduate in Business and be successful in my educational as well as work career. I wish to cultivate my knowledge of business in the best possible way so that I can earn my Bachelor’s degree in Business with honors. This would broaden the scope of opportunities available to me, as my career goal is to get a job that is based on business and entrepreneurship. Colorado Christian University, in this regard, acts as a magnet to prepare me and many others for positions of significant leadership in the field of Business by offering an excellent education with accredited market experts. I strive to do better and the best of my potential capabilities as I possibly can for myself and my community.

In a nutshell, goal setting is essential to thriving in any arena of life. Therefore, I hung onto these three goals since I attended CCU to improve the performance of my educational career as well as my personality. In order to get the most out of my education, I believe that Colorado Christian University is the best institute I opt for to improve my competence, tenacity, and self-discipline. All these capabilities will collectively assure my success in the Business field as well as help me live a purposeful life.



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