This topic has arisen because the number of claims against parents whose children caused damage to property has increased. There are several reasons for increasing such claims. Firstly, for people resorting to a court or calling the police was something extraordinary, that is why all problems were solved “on the spot” without recourse to police and courts. Secondly, the upbringing of children was less democratic. Many people can remember the slips and the belt as arguments for education. Obviously, children were afraid of such measures and behaved so as not to incur the wrath of their parents.
The era has changed quickly, and quickly came the understanding that this is how to raise children cannot. However, people who knew only one method of education could not understand how, without a belt, to bring up the full members of society from children. As a result, some parents raise their children on the principle of “this is a child”, allowing them to do everything that the “foal” will want. One cannot help but mention the impact of the street, where even a well-educated child can be persuaded that stealing is good and drawing on someone else’s machines is very fun. Although children have a number of rights, they bear full responsibility when they reach the age of 18. Meanwhile, no one has removed responsibility from their parents for their children, and modern conditions dictate their rules, in which the responsibility of parents for breaking the law by their children is not an empty phrase but quite clear responsibility. The harm caused by minors under the age of fourteen (underage), their parents (adoptive parents) or guardians are responsible if they do not prove that the harm was not due to their fault. Juveniles from the age of fourteen to eighteen years are individually responsible for the harm done on general grounds.
For example, If you bought a moped from a child, and he knocked a person down on it, you will pay the person compensation for treatment, lost work capacity and moral damage. If your child has broken a camera at the guests, it is not important to accidentally or specially you will be responsible for his actions and reimburse the full cost as well as related costs. In such situations, the parties rarely come to a compromise and the business, as a rule, ends in screams and scandals. Many do not understand that the responsibility of parents for children includes material responsibility for their actions. Firstly, everything must be discussed calmly. It is always more profitable to negotiate with the world than to start legal wars, especially if the amount of the dispute is not so significant, but what if we fail to reach an agreement?
It is necessary to collect evidence that the harm was caused precisely by this child and to find out the full name and address of his parents. If a child of your friends, in the presence of witnesses, breaks your property, then these people will have to come to court and provide evidence about the incident. If there are no witnesses or you do not know the names and addresses of the parents ‘parents’ residence, you must call the police. Law enforcement agencies have a department for juvenile affairs which deals with such cases. Respondents will be the parents of the child (if he is not 14 years old), parents, and child (if he is 14 years old). The amount of the state duty will depend on the amount of damage and can be determined by the state tax; however, such cases are considered property claims of one party to another. Accordingly, the standard rules apply. Jurisdiction is determined at the place of residence of the defendants and at the price of the claim (less than a few thousand dollars – the world court, more than 50 thousand dollars – district/city).
In addition, the claim will need to specify the demand for reimbursement of costs for the examination and state duty. If you are presented with such requirements, the principle of protection is also standard in civil law. However, we recommend, if possible, resolving the issue in a pre-trial order because if you have proof of the guilt of your child, you will not only pay the damage, but you will also have to pay the state fee, the costs of experts and lawyers that the Claimant will incur. As you can see, the responsibility of parents for children is very real.