Heading: How to play chess:
Specific purpose: The purpose of this speech is to enlighten the audience on playing chess
Central idea: To enable the audience to learn chess, I will give insight into roles of each chess piece and the items needed.
- Attention: You might be tired of watching other people enjoy chess as you watch without a clue. However, the discussion below is here to save you from this awkwardness. If you are looking forward to getting into a chess match, keep reading.
- Audience connection/credibility: The following discussion on chess originates from personal research.
- Thematic statement: (Preview of main points) To enable the audience to learn chess, I will give insight into roles of each chess piece and items needed.
- Main point: First, it is essential to understand the items needed to play chess.
- You will need a board marked with 64 squares, 32 playing pieces that have a queen, a king, two castles, two bishops, eight pawns, and two knights on both sides.
- Support material: I acquire chess boards from shops or board game craft centers.
- Transition/signpost: Research reports (Savage, 2012) show that playing chess can be beneficial as it exercises the brain, prevents Alzheimer’s, encourages dendrite growth, treats schizophrenia, boosts self-confidence, improves thinking, and is therapeutic.
(Internal preview): Having highlighted the items needed and advantages of playing chess, I will give a highlight on how to set up the chess game.
- Main point: You will need to set the chessboard and chess pieces.
- Place the chessboard on a flat surface and arrange the chess pieces.
- Support material: It is always convenient to use chess pieces with contrasting colors for each player to avoid confusion.
- Place chess pieces with the pawns at the front while the other pieces at the back of the board.
- Chess players can then sit facing each other to have a good view of the chessboard.
- Main point: To finalize, we will talk about the role of each chess piece.
- Pawns kick off a chess game.
- The queen moves right, forward, left, backward, or diagonally limitlessly until it reaches an occupied square.
- The castle can move right, forward, left, or backward and attack from any point.
- Despite being the most valuable chess piece, the king can only move one step in all directions. Once the opponent’s king is captured, the chess game ends.
- The bishop can move diagonally in all squares within the diagonal.
- Pawns can be moved forward in two squares at the start of the game, with subsequent moves limited to one square (White, 2018). Besides, a pawn can move one step diagonally when attacking. Moreover, a pawn can become any chess piece apart from the king on reaching the opponent’s end.
- A player can move a knight two steps forward or backward, one square to the right or left. Besides, a knight can be moved two steps to the right or left and a square forward or backwards. Furthermore, knights can jump over other pieces to reach an unoccupied position.
- Signal end is near: To finalize,
- Reinforce central idea: To enable the audience to learn chess, I will give insight into the roles of each chess pieces and items needed.
- Close with impact: Playing chess prevents some health conditions and develops human memory. This speech must be educating, and I believe you will be exhilarated to put your brains to work!
Savage. (2012, October 26). 7 surprising health benefits of playing chess. TheChessWorld: Chess Tips to Help You Win Chess Games. https://thechessworld.com/articles/healthpsycology/7-surprising-health-benefits-of-playing-chess/
White. (2018). A Mathematical Analysis of the Game of Chess. FireScholars – Institutional Repository for Southeastern University. https://firescholars.seu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1096&context=honors