Academic Master


How to play chess

Heading: How to play chess:

Specific purpose: The purpose of this speech is to enlighten the audience on playing chess

Central idea: To enable the audience to learn chess, I will give insight into roles of each chess piece and the items needed.


  1. Attention: You might be tired of watching other people enjoy chess as you watch without a clue. However, the discussion below is here to save you from this awkwardness. If you are looking forward to getting into a chess match, keep reading.
  2. Audience connection/credibility: The following discussion on chess originates from personal research.
  3. Thematic statement: (Preview of main points) To enable the audience to learn chess, I will give insight into roles of each chess piece and items needed.


  1. Main point: First, it is essential to understand the items needed to play chess.
  2. You will need a board marked with 64 squares, 32 playing pieces that have a queen, a king, two castles, two bishops, eight pawns, and two knights on both sides.
  3. Support material: I acquire chess boards from shops or board game craft centers.
  4. Transition/signpost: Research reports (Savage, 2012) show that playing chess can be beneficial as it exercises the brain, prevents Alzheimer’s, encourages dendrite growth, treats schizophrenia, boosts self-confidence, improves thinking, and is therapeutic.

(Internal preview): Having highlighted the items needed and advantages of playing chess, I will give a highlight on how to set up the chess game.

  1. Main point: You will need to set the chessboard and chess pieces.
  2. Place the chessboard on a flat surface and arrange the chess pieces.
  3. Support material: It is always convenient to use chess pieces with contrasting colors for each player to avoid confusion.
  4. Place chess pieces with the pawns at the front while the other pieces at the back of the board.
  5. Chess players can then sit facing each other to have a good view of the chessboard.
  6. Main point: To finalize, we will talk about the role of each chess piece.
  7. Pawns kick off a chess game.
  8. The queen moves right, forward, left, backward, or diagonally limitlessly until it reaches an occupied square.
  9. The castle can move right, forward, left, or backward and attack from any point.
  10. Despite being the most valuable chess piece, the king can only move one step in all directions. Once the opponent’s king is captured, the chess game ends.
  11. The bishop can move diagonally in all squares within the diagonal.
  12. Pawns can be moved forward in two squares at the start of the game, with subsequent moves limited to one square (White, 2018). Besides, a pawn can move one step diagonally when attacking. Moreover, a pawn can become any chess piece apart from the king on reaching the opponent’s end.
  13. A player can move a knight two steps forward or backward, one square to the right or left. Besides, a knight can be moved two steps to the right or left and a square forward or backwards. Furthermore, knights can jump over other pieces to reach an unoccupied position.
  14. Signal end is near: To finalize,
  15. Reinforce central idea: To enable the audience to learn chess, I will give insight into the roles of each chess pieces and items needed.
  16. Close with impact: Playing chess prevents some health conditions and develops human memory. This speech must be educating, and I believe you will be exhilarated to put your brains to work!


Savage. (2012, October 26). 7 surprising health benefits of playing chess. TheChessWorld: Chess Tips to Help You Win Chess Games.

White. (2018). A Mathematical Analysis of the Game of Chess. FireScholars – Institutional Repository for Southeastern University.



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