Academic Master


How to Build Your First Web App with Angular Material

Are you eager to create your angular material for your first web application? Here you are in the fascinating realm of web development! If you’re excited to design stunning, adaptable web apps. We will use Angular Material to create your very first web application today. This blog will explain “What is Angular Material” in basic terms and provide instructions on how to make your first web application. This blog also explore how crucial Angular Training is to succeed in web development.

Table of contents

  • What is Angular Material?
  • Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment
  • Step 2: Add Angular Material to Your Project
  • Step 3: Create Your First Angular Material Component
  • Step 4: Run Your Angular App
  • Step 5: CustomiseCustomise and Expand
  • Conclusion

What is Angular Material?

Let us first dissect the fundamentals of Angular Material before moving on to the practical side. Although incredibly attractive, Angular Material is more than looks; it’s a collection of UI components for Angular. It’s a feature-rich, adaptable toolkit that offers pre-made elements and designs to assist you in developing standardised, aesthetically pleasing online applications.

Now, with the foundation laid, let’s get our hands dirty and start building your first web app!

Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment

First, you need to set up your development environment for Angular. Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Install Node.js: Angular requires Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager). Install them by downloading them from the official website.
  2. Install Angular CLI:To install the Angular CLI globally, open a terminal or command prompt and type the following command:

npm install -g @angular/cli

  1. Create a New Angular App: Use the Angular CLI to create a new Angular app. Navigate to your desired project folder and run:

ng new my-web-app

Follow the prompts to set up your app.

  1. Navigate to Your App Folder:

cd my-web-app

You’re now ready to start building your web app!

Step 2: Add Angular Material to Your Project

Angular Material is at the core of creating stunning UIs. Take these steps to incorporate it into your project:

Install Angular Material: In your project folder, run the following command to install Angular Material:

ng add @angular/material

This command installs Angular Material and guides you through configuration options.

Choose a Prebuilt Theme: Angular Material offers various prebuilt themes. You can choose one during the installation or later by running:

ng generate @angular/material:material-theming –name=my-custom-theme

Import Angular Material Modules: In your app.module.ts file, import the necessary Angular Material modules. For example:

import { MatInputModule } from ‘@angular/material/input’;

import { MatButtonModule } from ‘@angular/material/button’;

Then, add them to your imports array.

Step 3: Create Your First Angular Material Component

Now, let’s create your first Angular Material component. We’ll start with a simple form.

Generate a New Component: Use the Angular CLI to generate a new component:

ng generate component my-form

Design Your Form: Open the my-form.component.html file and design your form using Angular Material components. For example:



<input matInput>




<input matInput>


<button mat-button>Submit</button>

Use the Component: You can now use your new component in the app.component.html file:


Step 4: Run Your Angular App

With your form in place, it’s time to run your Angular app and see your creation in action. In your project folder, run the following:

ng serve

This command will compile your app and start a development server. Open your browser and navigate to localhost:4200. You’ll see your web app with the Angular Material form.

Step 5: CustomiseCustomise and Expand

With Angular Material, you’ve successfully created your first web application. There is still a tonne to discover and customise customise, so don’t stop here.

  1. You can add CSS, modify the Angular Material theme, or even integrate your app with Bootstrap or other CSS frameworks to style it further.
  2. Angular Material comes with many components, ranging from dialogue boxes and navigation menus to buttons and icons. Try different things and keep adding parts to improve the usefulness of your app.
  3. Make your application dynamic by including event handlers, form validation, and backend API connections.
  4. To make sure your software performs as intended, remember to test it properly.


Using Angular Material to build your first online application is an exciting way to start web development. You can easily develop slick, responsive user interfaces using Angular Material. You’re well on your way to creating visually appealing online applications that enthral and involve consumers using your newfound expertise.



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