Academic Master


How Power Separation Affects the National Security

National security means nation state’s security including it is economy, institution as well as citizens and it is regarded the government’s duty. Initially, it was known as the protection against various military attacks however currently it covers energy security, food security, environmental security economic security as well as cyber security (Quirk, 2018). The government depends on the measurement ranges such as economic, military, diplomacy as well as political to implement various national security. In this essay, I will discuss ways in which the separation of power, as well as check and balance, affect the national security.

Power separation affects the national security in various ways. The national security power was allocated among the Congress, federal courts as well as the president. First, Article 1 gives the Congress numerous wartime authorities (Gill, 2017). These powers include declaring war, appropriate funds and raise them for national defense, punishing and regulating war crimes as well as other international law violations and the regulating the armed forces conduct such as rule setting in reverence to the ones captured at sea as well as on land. Second, article 11 states the president as the armed forces’ commander in chief as well as grants this president the power to negotiate varies treaties, the Senate consent as well as subject to advise. Finally, article 111 grants the judicially no specific national security power however they allowed to listen to cases as well controversies arising the constitution of the United States, which regularly include questions on national security (Quirk, 2018).

The separation of power concept is enforced by the checks and balances series that ensures that no single government branch or person may become more powerful than the other. This system ensures that a federal government department or branch does not exceed its limit, guards against fraud as well as allowing timely emissions or error correction. Thus the check and balance system act as a kind of sentry overpowers separation, balancing separate government branches in the practical use the power to take action rests on one department whereas the duty of verifying the legality as well as the appropriateness of this action depends on another department (Gill, 2017).

To sum separation of power results in the division of the national security power among the branches of the government including the Congress, president as well as the judicially (Gill, 2017). The check and balance ensure no branch exceeds it is power.


Gill, P. (2017). Controlling state crimes by national security agencies. In Controlling State Crime (pp. 81–114). Routledge.

Quirk, W. (2018). Courts and Congress: America’s Unwritten Constitution. Routledge.



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