Academic Master


How Do You Format An Online Book According To The APA Manual 6th Edition?

The instructions on how to format an online book are found on pages 187 to 191 of the APA manual 6th edition. This is done especially when it is difficult to get a book in print. If the book has to be purchased, then one should use the words “available from” instead of using “retrieved from”. References to ebooks should include the type and version of the e-book that is being referenced. It’s always important to provide DOIs when referencing. In-text citations should have the author’s surname, publication year, and the number of pages containing the information. An example of an in-text citation for a book cited on environmental hazards may be: According to Druce, Landfills, when near schools, pose a health danger to learners (Druce, 2017). The citation on the references page will appear as shown below,

Druce, K. A, 2017). Where We Live, Play, and Study: Assessing Multiple Adverse Impacts of Schools Near Environmental Hazards. retrieved from:

Why Is It Important To Use Different Levels Of Headings In APA?

The different levels of headings are important as they guide the reader through the paper. The document is, therefore, separated into classes or levels that are arranged from the highest to the lowest categories. In APA, there are five levels of headings. Level one heading format has the text centred, boldface, uppercase, and lowercase where the initial letter of the keyword is capped. Level two heading format is done by having the text left aligned, with boldface, uppercase, and lowercase headings where the initial letter is capped. Level three heading format is done by having the text indented, with boldface, lowercase, and a period at the end. The heading of level four should be indented, boldfaced, and italicized, with a period at the end. The whole sentence should be in lowercase. The heading of level five should be indented and italicized, and the sentence should have a period at the end of the sentence. Where an article has different levels or subsections, then the appropriate level heading should be used. Section headings are given level one format, while subsections are given level two. Subsections of subsections are given level three. It should be noted that level headings depend on the organization of the paper.

Explain What A DOI Is And Why It’s Important To A Researcher.

DOI is an abbreviation for Digital Object Identifier. A DOI is a specific alphabet and numeric character used in identifying academic, professional or government information and leads to access to this information on the internet. A DOI of an object does not change as long as the object exists, unlike other identifiers that keep on changing or fail to function as expected. DOI is internationally standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). As long as the URL is updated every time it is changed, the DOI remains as an active link to access a particular object identified by its unique alphanumeric string. This makes DOI an important tool in locating specific information from the internet. References should have DOI to ensure the reader can get access to the exact references used by the author in a piece of work from the internet.

What Kind Of Resources Can Be Accessed At The Jerry Falwell Library When Doing Research?

Electronic resources such as databases, e-books, digital materials, and special materials are categorized together. Physical resources include books, journals, Archives, and a curriculum library, among others. The library also provides research assistance in writing dissertations and theses, as well as scholarly communication, workshops, and other forms of support for research purposes. Tutorials are available to guide the student on how to carry out various academic activities like writing academic papers and giving guidance on the same.

How Do You Acquire A Resource That Is Not Directly Available In The Jerry Falwell Library?

Materials not available at the Jerry Farwell Library can be accessed at the Interlibrary Loan Internet Accessible database (ILLIAD).At the ILLIAD, books, journals, dissertations, videos, and audio/visual resources can be accessed. Textbooks are difficult to obtain. After registering to use ILLIAD, materials not held by the Jerry Falwell Library are requested by login for registration to get an ILLIAD account.

Using Your Publication Manual, Determine How In-Text Citation And Information For The Following Should Be Presented:

Your introduction to the research textbook.

Citing of references in the textbook is found on page 174, while reference list writing is explained on page 180. The actual reference examples for books, chapters in textbooks, and reference books can be found on page 202. The in-text citation for the book An Introduction to Research, data, and Theory could be: As explained by Crawford (2016), human memory depends on several factors. On the references page, the book will be cited as shown below;

Crawford, A.R. (2016), Introduction to research: less frights, more insights Kendall Hunt, Dubuque IA.

Citation as per the APA publication manual,

APA’s publication style is unique, as explained on page 87. It describes the rules that are applied in citations of APA documents. For example, a journal article in APA style will be cited following given technicalities, such as the use of punctuation. The placements of commas, periods, dashes, parentheses, colons, spaces, etc., are explained here.

In-text citation: It has been noted that “a good strategy forms the basis for quality research findings”(DePoy and Gitlin, 2015).

On the reference page, it will be DePoy, E., & Gitlin, L. N. (2015). Introduction to Research-E-Book: Understanding and Applying Multiple Strategies. Elsevier Health Sciences.

The method used to cite scholarly journal with a DOI

The citation of scholarly journals with DOI is found on page 189 of the manual. The publisher of the article provides the reader with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier to make the document available electronically.

In-text citation: Research is important as the findings give conclusive evidence ( Mohanty and Thakor, 2015).

Reference: Mohanty, S. K., & Thakor, N. V. (2015). Introduction,  Unknown Journal9305, xiii-xvi. [930501]. DOI: 10.1117/12.2183897

How to cite a personal conversation

Personal conversations could result from private letters, memos, emails, personal interviews, and telephone conversations, among others. Personal communication should be cited in the text only.

For example, They were told to do research carefully ( W.J. Albert, personal communication, April 14, 2018).

How to cite an edited book

A book where the editor is to be cited together with the author is explained on page 184. The editor’s name is used, and Ed. is put after the editor’s surname. It is used to precede the editor’s name.


Kimberly, B.J (2015) Research Methods. In A. Joseph et al.(Eds.), research technicalities (2nd ed.) Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott


Crawford, A.R.(2016), Introduction to research: less frights, more insights Kendall Hunt, Dubuque IA.

DePoy E, Gatlin, L.N.(2016) Introduction to Research, 5th Edition, understanding and applying Multiple strategies, Book News Inc Portland.

VandenBos, G. R. (Ed). (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.



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