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History And Anthropology Question Answers

Why did Americans oppose Foreign military intervention?

The United States is comprised of many cities whose togetherness helped the country to conquer other nations. The desire to remain neutral forced most Americans to oppose military intervention. The foreign military joined the war to help meet their interest, especially for their mother country. This form of interest created a rebellious environment that led to the rejection of intervention.

How and why did Roosevelt aid the British?

The misunderstanding that existed in Europe, which led to the war break, encouraged Roosevelt to support the British. He loaned weapons to the British to conquer their threats. It was a well-calculated move from Roosevelt, even though he advocated for the neutrality of his nation. He was not to support any country.

Why did the United States emphasize war against Germany?

The United States, through their leader Roosevelt, emphasized the war with Germany. Adolph Hitler was a dictator who targeted the big fish and wanted to be Germany’s Superpower. He wanted to conquer other countries. Therefore, the United States of America intervened to neutralize the powers that Hitler employed against other states (Heinrichs and Waldo, 1988).

Strains existed among the allies.

During the war, the lack of sufficient weapons was a challenge for the Allies. America played the game of neutrality, and it tried to support some of the states. The American leader decided to loan weapons instead of selling them to the aggrieved countries. The main strains were lack of cooperation, unfavourable conditions, and poor weapons.

How did Roosevelt see the Grand Alliance as the basis for cooperation?

According to Roosevelt, the Grand Alliance was a basis that could bring cooperation among the nations involved in the world war. The alliance brought together the communists, colonials, and the capitalists. The alliance comprised the three powers involved in the world war; hence, the cooperation of the military was achieved (Gilbert, Martin, and Bernard, 1989). The unity enabled the strategic alliance to fight against the Axis powers. Due to the combined forces, Roosevelt was able to indicate his thought that the Grand Alliance was the solution to the world war.

How has defence spending transformed the American Economy?

After world war II the military needed funds and other resources, the government engaged in such a debatable procedure and secured some of the resources. The expenditure enabled the free flow of funds within the state, hence improving its standards. The purchase improved the American economy.

Works Cited

Gilbert, Martin, and Bernard Mayes. The Second World War: A Complete History. H. Holt, 1989.

Heinrichs, Waldo H. Threshold of War: Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Entry into World War II. Oxford University Press on Demand, 1988.



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