Academic Master


Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

The book 7 Habits would rank in the top five most influential books that have left an imprint on my life and personality. The book by Stephen R. Covey did not only inspire me to transform myself as a leader, but it cleared the person I wanted to see myself as. His 7 habits became a source of inspiration for million who wanted to move towards personal growth and self-development. How I see the book is that it’s very simple and structured to understand. It was generally divided into three areas; independence (his mantra of private victories preceding public victories), interdependence and the power of a team, and the last is of self-renewal.

Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

Sharpening the saw is to enhance the greatest asset you have. After I recognized it; I made sure to have a balanced approach to attain it. I knew it was to adapt a self-renewal project in domains of emotional, physical, mental and spiritual pathways. I adapted the method of resting and exercising to keep my physical being active and able. I started clean beneficial eating for a sound body to have a sound mind. I started to rely on meaningful social connection only. I learned from the ones that hurt me and valued the honest relations I attained. However small in number but honest in nature social relationship made me grow and value the essence of life more.

Spiritual journey for me was the most important and valuable one. I started taking time out to be close to the nature and find the meaning of life. I started appreciating art and music. It started to be a source of inspiration and relaxation for me. Meditation, yoga and prayers played a vital role in how I transformed my spiritual being. The four areas transformed me into a better person. Sharpen the saw kept me sharp, refreshed and it to energize the other six habits. It enhanced my capacity to cope with life and made my life a balanced one.

I was leading life well but oblivious to my wellbeing. Today; things are different for me. This habit was where I inculcated in me a desire to influence and impact and it all started from within This has been my favorite habit. This is why I love to read, write, share my experiences, speak and express. I want to sharpen my skills so I can spread what I learn. I love to read more to acquire knowledge and improve my perceptions and opinions. I see everyday life as a great adventure which has been a continuous process of growth for me.



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