Academic Master


Gruen Transfer Episode on “Stop Having Babies”

Ankita Saini presented the video presentation of Gruen Transfer episode on stop having babies. She identified the tone of both teams and the arguments. The tone of team 1 is cold as it seemed inhumane by primarily focusing on the environmental consequences. She recognised that argument used by the team one is focused on the environmental effect by having more babies carbon emission will be increased. She identified the tone of the team quite clearly as the tone of team 2 was neutral and greatly appealed to the audience including myself.

Secondly, I analysed that work of Natalie Afshar is also well. The choose the pitch of Banning All Religions. She presented the tone of both team effectively as she analysed that argument of 1st team are more logical and scientific. She is true at this point as all previous religions are being analysed by the 1st team whereas the arguments of the 2nd team were emotional that were drawn on pathos. Therefore the work of Natalie Afshar is quite interesting.

Thirdly, the work of Xueyun Wang is excellent. His video presentation was on cosmetic surgery for kids. He clearly identified the target audience of both teams. Moreover, he acknowledged the pathos and logos effectively as he recognized that 1st team used logos by giving the idea of communication whereas the second team used pathos in order to show the negative impact of war on the children.

Description of Episode

I analysed the Gruen Transfer episode that is supporting the child labour in which two teams Rob Martin and Andrew Ostrom were competing with each other, and they were pitching to support the child labour (Traintoy Publishing, 2008). In a very sympathetic tone as well as unhappy background music, the first team presented the ad in which a poor child from Nepal was introduced who had to work for 12 hours for his survival. Then the scene was transferred to the child from Melbourne who was lying on the sofa. The claim of the 1st team was quite appealing that why the children from Melbourne cannot work and it is appealing to influence the audience.

Clear Explanation of Pitch

The pitch team of Rob Martin Murphy is more successful in his argument as Rob Martin tried to convince the audience that why the children of Melbourne cannot work if the children can work in Nepal. The arguments used by the Rob Martin Murphy were effective than arguments of Andrew Ostrom as Andrew Ostrom used the single shot of young boy in his argument. Fu, Ye, & Xiang, (2016) stated the appealing argument could influence the mind of the audience in an effective way. Andrew Ostrom represented the idea that if children could not work, then their energy could be utilized in dangerous behaviours.

Assignment Experience

I thoroughly enjoyed this assignment as this is the very interactive task and I learned that many elements are involved in order to deliver the effective argument. I perceived how the visual arguments are more influential in depicting the message as compared to the written argument. I needed to research in order to understand the concepts such as the ethos, logos, and pathos, tone, and logical fallacies. I analysed that The Gruen Transfer is humorous show in which the logical fallacies have the destructive impact on the argument. Furthermore, I analysed that voice has power and music is effective in making the influential and well-constructed argument. (Ding & Lin (2012) argued that background music grasp the intention of the audience.


Ding, C. G., & Lin, C.-H. (2012). How does background music tempo work for online shopping? Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 11(3), 299-307.

Fu, H., Ye, B. H., & Xiang, J. (2016). Reality TV, audience travel intentions, and destination image. Tourism Management, 55, 37-48.

Traintoy Publishing. (2008, July 14). The Gruen Transfer-The Pitch- Support Child Labour. Retrieved from You tube:



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