Academic Master


Greco-Roman Legacy

I think the Greco-Roman cultural legacy “died” during the medieval period and then was revived during the Renaissance (Nicolo 1505). The Medieval, also known as the middle Ages, lasted from the 5th century to the late 15th century and was very similar to pre-classic world history. The collapse of the Western Roman Empire marked the Renaissance and Age of Discovery. This paper explains the Greco-Roman Legacy.

Cultural, social, religious, and political activity and the aesthetic standards that remain after the collapse of the two great ancient civilizations can be considered Greek and Roman heritage. These norms and behaviors, which may be used to assess a civilization’s history, are intertwined (Nicolo 1500). By observing how the iconographic heritage of Greece and Rome have appeared and changed over time, it is possible to establish relevance and effectiveness in a broader historical context. Analysis of creative styles, assessment of the purpose and role given to art, appraisal of artistic creation, and artistic reception may all be used to identify the heritage that gives structure to a classical tradition.

Europe begins to make efforts toward a new civilization in the early Middle Ages, one that is unlike anything that has come before. The Western Roman Empire was politically ended by the beginning of the Middle Ages (1490). Rome had previously held a significant political position. Even if Rome was no longer a political entity, its culture persisted, demonstrating that a society’s culture is more resilient than the society itself. Before the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the early Middle Ages, Rome was regarded as Europe’s most important symbol. If someone was Roman, they were proud of it and proudly recognized as such. This viewpoint, however, began to shift.

Although Roman culture had a strong effect on the new developing culture, many other civilizations also contributed to the new hybrid culture that existed in Europe. The Greco-Roman civilization imbued the new culture with a great deal of classical influence. Although a large majority of Europe’s population was not Roman, they were impacted by the Romans (Nicolo 1480). The Roman legal system and language are preserved and used, but they have been modified to suit this new society. Because Rome was such a prosperous empire, many aspects of ancient culture were preserved in the newly formed European civilization. Many of the Greco-Roman civilization’s ancient customs were perpetuated in this new society.

It assimilated elements of previous civilizations and accepted them, then modified them to benefit the new European culture. This was made feasible by the fact that cultures are extremely resilient and adaptable to change (Nicolo 1475). This new culture enabled Europe to expand and grow, eventually paving the path for the modern world to arise. The Renaissance was an important aspect of Europe’s journey to the modern world. As the Middle Ages advanced and Europe entered the Renaissance period, Europeans developed a strong desire to return to the classics. There is a revival of the classical mindset, ideals, education, and many other cultural characteristics during this period. The cultural focus shifted from urban to agrarian in the late Middle Ages.

This concentration on agricultural output results in a surplus in Europe, which catalyzes change. Farmers create a crop rotation method that results in higher agricultural yields (Nicolo 1470). An agricultural excess allows for employment specialization, propelling the globe into the modern period. The environment in which trading takes place is getting increasingly favorable in cities. Trade allows cultures to move freely across different nations, allowing cultures to influence one another and develop into more adaptive cultures. The volume of commerce in Europe is increasing, and as a result, the European economy is expanding day by day.

Work Cited

Medieval Sourcebook: Nicolo Machiavelli (1469-1527): The Prince, 1513.



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