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Gravitational Lensing Theory and Applications Annotated Bibliography

Story, K. T., Hanson, D., Ade, P. A. R., Aird, K. A., Austermann, J. E., Beall, J. A., … & Chang, C. L. (2015). A measurement of the cosmic microwave background gravitational lensing potential from 100 square degrees of SPTpol data. The Astrophysical Journal810(1), 50.

Story et al. (2015) provide a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the cosmic microwave background regarding gravitational lensing potential. The approach is demanding, and the use of data from the first two seasons during the observation proves useful. The use of SPT pol, as well as the polarization-sensitive receiver, proved helpful during the entire project. Covering 100 deg is such a wide scope in any observation, making this research comprehensive enough. The arcminute resolution during the study stands at a value close to 150 GHz. The use of the quadratic estimator is also a crucial instance for the study. It makes it possible to get maps that represent the CMB lensing potential. That comes from a combination of the current CMB temperatures as well as those of the polarization maps. The formation of the minimum variance is possible after the combination of the lensing potential maps.

The signal-to-noise ratio banking on a ratio greater than one is used for the entire research. The map stands out as one of the highest in history. The map will be used in some instances due to its strength. That prompts its use in various cross-correlations utilizing various tracers of large-scale designs. Calculating the power spectrum for every lensing potential is also an essential aspect of the research. It is mandatory to report any value between. The value emerges as the primary result of the finding. The ability to restrict polarized data results in APOL = 0.92 ± 0.24 (Stat.) ± 0.11 (Sys.).

Bartelmann, M. (2006). Applications of gravitational lensing in cosmology. In Astrophysics Update 2 (pp. 213-256). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

A clear understanding of gravitational lensing is a crucial aspect of the article. Bartelmann (2006) outlines that gravitational lensing originates from light masses deflecting various sources. The physical state, as well as the composition of such masses, is not a matter of concern in such an instance. Most of the matter present in the universe appears dark. Such a confirmation is the main reason for the development of gravitational lensing into a primary tool to foster the learning of some aspects related to the masses in the world. Key aspects of such masses include the distribution, composition, and amount.

The ability to summarize the theory of gravitational lensing makes the article favorable in the field. The start of the summary is based on Fermat’s principle. The application of such an aspect is useful while isolating lenses such as compact objects, galaxy clusters as well as galaxies. Cosmologically related applications also prove helpful in the article. The main ones under consideration include the search for compact dark matter. Most of these matters exist in galactic halos. There are also the measurements that relate to the Hubble constant in the various galaxy lenses. Ultimately, consideration is given to the methods that help in mapping the dark matter regarding the galaxy clusters. The exploration of the theory of cosmological lensing provides a comprehensive understanding of the subject. After a discussion of the key concepts that relate to large-scale structures, consideration is given to the result of the research in communicating meaning.

Li, N., Gladders, M. D., Rangel, E. M., Florian, M. K., Bleem, L. E., Heitmann, K., … & Fasel, P. (2016). Pics: Simulations of strong gravitational lensing in galaxy clusters. The Astrophysical Journal828(1), 54.

According to the article, gravitational lensing is currently one of the powerful tools used in investigating the dark side of the earth. The use of strong cosmological lensing is useful in such an instance since it probes all the existing properties that relate to dense cores. The current dense core is an instance that exploits instances of dark matter halos, and their presence has existed for decades now. Such a discovery is the reason for the possibility of studying the distant universe. Such usually happens at the flux level. The unavailability of the spatial resolution presents a specific limitation while executing key instances. Scientific opportunities in the case arise from the various studies that rely on strongly lensed variables. Even though realizing a robust potential lensing system is critical, some limitations exist. The primary barrier is the challenge of understating the statistical context. That includes the individual systems that must receive the follow-up design. Moreover, there is the statistical context that makes use of the more significant samples related to the strong lenses existing as a result of the survey efforts.

The development of the image simulation pipeline was motivated by the challenges. This indicates the possibility of inventing a new approach to solving problems that might arise in nearly every encounter. The pipeline for Images of Cosmological Strong Lensing is useful in obtaining string signals. Such signals normally occur from groups as well as cluster-scale lenses. The shift is currently on the use of PICS due to the number of advantages that they present in modern society.



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