Academic Master

Education, English

Goals For The Students’ Growth

Goals For The Students’ Growth

Retain content for a long time

The students aim to attain a high level of content retention. In this regard, they need to recall what they learn even after a long time. Their mind needs to accommodate sufficient information to enable better performance in the exams. Education is all about reading what has been learnt in class and elsewhere. Therefore, the students aim to practice mind habits that will improve their level of understanding and thus increase their ability to retain the content. When the students can retain material for a long time, the learning process becomes effective (Costa et al., 2014). The need to keep revisiting old content is eliminated. Therefore, the ability to learn more new aspects is increased.

Attaining creativity

The education process aims to enable students to learn new and better mechanisms for handling different systems in life. In this regard, the mind habits ought to enable the students to think critically and devise better ways to solve problems. Various techniques are already in place and have been applied to solve problems in the past. However, the mechanisms do not present as being the best as time lapses. The students aim to become creative in handling different situations in life. Also, they need to be open-minded in the decisions that they make. This would allow the students to solve problems that arise in a situational manner. Therefore, each issue presents a different suitable solution in the long run.

Plan of action

For the students to attain the goals set above, they must have in place a plan of action to guide their efforts all along. Each of the goals presented will call for a different plan for action, entailing various strategies to enhance the attainment of the goals.


This is a plan of action that will allow the contention retention goals to be attained effectively. In this case, persistence requires that the students study consistently and without seizing to attain their best retention capacity. This plan of action calls for various forms of strategies:

Staying on the task for a reasonable time: in this case, the students need to take up responsibility and assign sufficient time to have it completed (Hazy & Uhl 2015). Therefore, the task at hand needs to match the time allocated to it. The more the job, the more time that ought to be allocated.

Portraying diligence: along the way, the students may face obstacles that hold them back. It is during such times that they need to show resilience and handle the problems head-on.

Applying different solutions: the students also need to take into account different ways of handling a task. This allows the students to have more than one solution to a problem. In this regard, the issue at hand ultimately gets a solution.

Creating, innovating and imagining

This is the plan of action that the students need to have to attain the creativity goals stipulated above. Various strategies ought to be applied under this plan of action to achieve the ultimate goal of innovation and creativity:

Exploring new resources: information is fundamental in the attainment of creativity. Therefore, the students need to explore new books and other resources to get new information.

Exercising flexibility: Students also need to have a form of flexibility in the ideas they think of and raise (Preston et al., 2017). They always need to accommodate new ideas as they come and be ready to take some risks in the decisions they make.

Impact Of The Plan On Students’ Internalization

The plan is expected to attain the goals set at the beginning. In this regard, the students are expected to retain more information after having to be more persistent in their studies. Dedicating more time to their learning would mean better levels of concentration. Therefore, the students will be wiser and better positioned to respond to various questions.

Also, the plan will allow the students to have more flexibility in the decisions that they make. Due to the broad consultation on various resources, the student will have new and better ideas. As such, they would be able to offer better solutions to the cases that arise at their disposal. With the plan in action, the students will be more creative and have more in-depth knowledge.

Reflection Of Implementation

Various attainments were made during the execution. First, the resources consulted were more than the previous plan included. Also, the time allocated to the study tasks was more than it was previously. More in-depth information was attained during the study. The level of flexibility in the decisions made during the research was also accomplished. However, the number of resources used was too many for the task at hand. Therefore, some of the information collected proved to be irrelevant to the work assigned. This will be improved in the future by taking into account several resources that are relevant to the area of study.


Costa, A. L., Garmston, R. J., & Zimmerman, D. P. (2014). Cognitive capital: Investing in teacher quality. Teachers College Press.

Hazy, J. K., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2015). Towards operationalizing complexity leadership: How generative, administrative and community-building leadership practices enact organizational outcomes. Leadership11(1), 79-104.

Preston, C., Savage, M., Payton, M., & Barnett, A. (2017). Towards tomorrow’s successful digital citizens: Providing the critical and dialogical opportunities to change lifestyles and mindsets.



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