Academic Master


Global Warming and its Effects


Global warming is defined as an increase in the earth’s average atmospheric temperatures that cause corresponding changes in climate and that result from the greenhouse effect like carbon monoxide emission from the burning of fossil fuels and methane gas.

In 2013, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) summarized that it’s likely that human influences such as the burning of fossil fuels, farming, and deforestation that has been causing Global Warming. (Summary for Policymakers AR5 WG1 PDF P.4). However, global warming is also caused by natural activities like the natural rotation of the sun, carbon monoxide, and volcanic eruptions.

Causes of Global Warming

Natural causes

Global warming happens due to the natural rotation of the sun that changes with the intensity of sunlight. Another vital cause of global warming is volcanic eruption which releases carbon monoxide; once this greenhouse gas is released into the atmosphere, the earth’s temperature increases, trapping solar radiation into the earth.

Human activities

The burning of fossil fuels such as coal to generate electricity leads to the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. Coal burning accounts for 93% of carbon monoxide emissions and is thus a great contributor to global warming ( Michael,2005). This can be prevented by reducing the amount of electricity generated from coal.

Another cause of global warming is farming involving intensive cattle keeping that leads to the emission of methane gas which traps the heat and prevents it from escaping into the atmosphere. This can be mitigated by the use of different fertilizers and different stock feeds.

Deforestation. Plants regulate the climate since they absorb carbon monoxide from the air and release oxygen back to it therefore, when vegetation is cleared, the stored carbon is emitted back into the atmosphere as carbon monoxide causes global warming. This can be prevented by the government initiating campaigns for tree planting through reforestation and afforestation.

Effects of global warming

If global warming continues, several consequences are bound to happen, including; polar ice caps melting leading to a rise in sea levels since melting glaciers become oceans, species such as tropical frogs will lose their natural habitat due to climate change, and the occurrence of hurricanes that cause damage to houses and emergence of diseases that are very costly even to the government.

In conclusion, global warming poses a serious threat to mankind, wildlife, and the ecosystem of the planet that needs both the intervention of government and individuals to help curb it before it goes out of reach.


Stocker,T.F ( 2013). Climate Change: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution

Michael Parfit 2005. Future where will the world get its next energy fix? National Geographic Magazine August, 2005.



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