Academic Master




An energy audit can be defined as a form of inspection of energy is used in a system to reduce the amount of energy into a system while keeping the output of the system unaffected. (, 2018). Energy audits are important because they make sure that fuel consumption is controlled to safeguard the environment from pollution and also reduce costs of fuel consumption since most fuel sources especially petroleum sources are very harmful to the ecosystem and are expensive. The main focus of this project paper is an energy audit on fuel consumption specifically gasoline in relation to the mileage of the vehicle and cost of the gasoline over a period of two months.

Fuel consumption is defined as the rate at which fuel is used by a vehicle per the distance covered, usually expressed in gallons per mile (GPM) (Berry, 2010). Gasoline is a motor fuel made up of petroleum hydrocarbon mixture (Dictionary, 2010). Most vehicles in the United States of America use gasoline as the main fuel for daily operations. There are several ways to reduce the energy consumption of a car, for instance, it can be a mechanical approach, avoid unnecessary idling and pay attention to stop lights, driving, and planning approach (Sam, 2008).

Using the mechanical approach one can keep the engines properly tuned this saves 4 to 40 percent of fuel. Secondly, check and replace air filters this one saves up to 10 percent of the energy. Thirdly one can make sure that the tires are filled well and are of quality grade, this saves 4 percent of fuel. On the driving approach observing speed limits, stop aggressive driving, use cruise control when appropriate, remove excess weight and drive at a steady pace. This measure ensures minimal consumption of fuel by most vehicles and keeps the vehicle well maintained.

On the planning approach, the following are ways to reduce fuel usage; combine errands, buy gas during the coolest hours and avoid traffic, go at less congested times. These approaches reduce the time on spends on the highways, traffic jams and the mileage of the car hence cutting off on the fuel consumption. Also, one decides not to go to go to town or walk, cycle and take a bus instead of using his/her vehicle. Another context in this project paper is to look at the way of driving, the distance covered, type of engine, the age of the vehicle and type of driveway.

Driving style involves how the driver engages with the vehicle on the road, his discipline and the type of road (Berry, 2010). Understanding driving style effect on fuel consumption is important for exploring the role of vehicle performance in driving aggressiveness, (Berry, 2010). Role of vehicle performance in fuel consumption is also an important factor to discuss especially when the automobile technology has improved exponentially over the years.

Vehicles are more aggressive when they possess higher speeds and accelerations (Erickson, 2005). The engine size determines the power of the engine, (Andre Michel R. j., 1994). Another concept to acknowledge in this project is the fuel economy testing; this is a procedure involving a driver driving a car placed on the chassis of a dynamometer whereby its wheels are on the rollers, and the driver drives it with styles for recording purposes. A drive cycle can be defined as a way of tracking the speed of a vehicle running at a certain velocity. This one accounts for the energy that the dynamometer will require for spinning the rollers so that it can match the velocity of the vehicle. Other prescribed conditions are; speed trace, ambient condition like temperature and humidity and engine start condition as well as air conditioning use.

Furthermore, drive cycles are important in that they show the mode of driving at specific locations in the U.S. Another concept to discuss in this fuel consumption project is eco-driving (Barth, 2009). Eco-driving is a mode of driving that saves fuel which consists of various ways like upshifting to make sure the speed doesn’t pass over 2500 rpm and controlling a steady velocity whereby there are smooth acceleration and deceleration, knowing when to avoid traffic and making sure to avoid long periods of idling. This technique is very common in the city or urban driving, although most of it involves lower highway speed. In general eco-driving five percent decrease in fuel consumption after some period generally. However, this can be achieved if we observe the sensitivity of a vehicle to the changes in the way the vehicle is being driven, also if people are willing to drive in a different style

Fuel consumption is dependent on vehicle speed whereby it increases with decreasing speed and with increasing accelerations. Fuel consumption is mostly insensitive to changes I velocity wheel work. It only increases primarily with wheel work but to a lesser amount with both higher and lower velocities, (Berry, 2010). Also, aggressiveness factors in driving do not necessarily rely on fuel consumption or fuel flow information since those values are affected by variables other than driving style. However to be important in studying the effects on fuel consumption the aggressiveness factors must be correlated with directly with fuel consumption (Erickson, 2005). To shade light on which driving behaviors have the greatest effect on fuel consumption, the aggressiveness factors must display driving behaviors based on how they affect fuel consumption. In considering the importance of mass in fuel consumption so that there can be a comparison across vehicles, the aggressiveness should be mass-normalized.

Aggressiveness factor can also be grouped into city driving whereby the average speed is almost 20-45 mph (32 and 72km/hr.). Here the relationship between wheel work and fuel consumption is almost linear, but there is a lot of variation. Therefore if we get rid of steady-speed wheel work from the drive cycle, we get accelerations wheel work which depicts a tighter fit linearly with fuel consumption. In summary, the acceleration wheel work is balanced by vehicle mass, giving units of acceleration.

The aggressiveness factor equals to wheel work minus steady speed wheel work at average speed all divided by mass. In other words, aggressiveness factor is linearly related to fuel consumption. From this insight, we learn that in city driving acceleration is the main behavior that impacts fuel consumption. For highway driving that involves the average speed of 45 mph (72 km/hr.), wheel work alone is correlated with fuel consumption. The increase in wheel work will cause a proportional increase in fuel consumption, regardless of whether that increase originated from high acceleration or just from higher average velocity. Therefore in highway driving not only does the aggressiveness factor increase at higher speeds but also is sensitive to acceleration.

There are also fuel iques from this aggressiveness factors information for instance; reducing velocity during highway driving, this can save the same amount of fuel as accelerations during all driving. This is because the impact of velocity on fuel consumption during highway driving is similar to the one experienced during all driving. This is due to aggressiveness factors being distance-weighted. Also, higher speeds increase wheel work more than average velocity.


This section involves a review of various methods that are used in the introduction to characterize the effect of driving style, mileage, and eco-driving on fuel consumption in vehicles. It also describes the methods used to compare the alternative forms of transport to vehicle transport in relation to gallons of gasoline consumed, environmental effect and the total cost of transport.

Methodologies from the literature: Many researchers have looked into both the discipline involved in the way driver engage on the road and its impact on fuel consumption (Andre Michel J. H., 2006). Many research projects have heard the aim of analyzing and modeling road safety, fuel consumption and the emissions from the vehicles. Polls and surveys are traditionally the main sources of information concerning driving behavior. To provide real-world information on pollutant emissions from vehicles, portable emissions measurements systems (PEMS) are used.

Methodologies for this project: With respect to the concepts defined in the introduction, there arise two research questions; one is on how driving styles affect fuel consumption, whereas the second is about the environmental and impact on cost by aggressive driving. Therefore to compare data from two different scenarios to evaluate the effect of aggressive driving on fuel consumption is a suitable method. The first scenario in March involves aggressive driving like; groceries shopping every week and driving everywhere, even classes. The second scenario in February involves avoiding highways, walking to classes, driving with friends, reduced groceries shopping to once a month.

To record the data on mileage I used the odometer in my car, the capacity of gasoline for each month was recorded at the beginning and end respectively to calculate the difference and derive the fuel consumed.

The data obtained was loaded and analyzed in Microsoft Excel to investigate the difference between February and March fuel consumption and mileage concerning the cost of gasoline.


Table 3.1 Data on Gasoline Consumption and cost from February and March

Fuel conservative driving Aggressive driving
Gallons Cost/Gal Gallons Cost/Gal Total cost Avg cost/day
FEB 23.435 $2.68 24.466 $2.67 $128.08 $4.57
MAR 23.036 $2.50 12.581 $2.40 $143.33 $4.62

Table 3.2 Gasoline consumption in relation to mileage (MPH) at the beginning of the month

No. of days Date Trip (MI) Fuel used(Gal) Average Econ MPH Mileage
FEB 28 01/02/2018 74035.9 4774 14.5 78581
MAR 31 01/03/2018 74642.1 4817.4 14.5 79187

Table 3.3 Gasoline consumption in relation to mileage (MPH) at the end of the month

No. of days Date Trip (MI) Fuel used(Gal) Average Econ MPH Mileage
FEB 28 28/02/2018 74642 4817.4 14.5 79187
MAR 31 31/03/2018 75347.8 4887.3 14.5 79839

Table 3.4 Summary

Total fuel used Total mileage Est. Gal/day
FEB 43.4 606 1.55
MAR 69.9 706 2.25

The data in the tables below were collected in February and March about the capacity in gallons of gasoline consumed by a Chevrolet Tahoe 2011- four wheel drive vehicle and its mileage concerning the cost of gasoline at each period.


This part makes a review of the summary of the research with respect to the findings to derive recommendations to drivers on main activities that are fundamental towards saving fuel and environmental conservation. This project has been worthwhile since it has involved a lot of hands-on skills I term of driving cycling and walking to shopping centers and class. The findings associated with this project are;

Fuel consumption can be elaborated by the observing the efficiency of the car at consuming the gasoline to energize the wheels. As speed increases the vehicle efficiency remains constant, fuel consumption can also be very when driving at a steady velocity. The aggressiveness of real-world driving is exhibited by low-performance vehicles. According to the results above it shown that aggressive driving causes increase in mileage and fuel consumption as evident in more mileage covered in March than in February same goes for the total cost of fuel (gasoline).

In conclusion, to save fuel, an aggressive driver can achieve that by using lower acceleration while the other ones can save energy fuel by engaging at a lower speed in highways. As for the moderate ones they can employ both techniques during highway driving.


  1. Andre Michel, J. H. (2006). Real world European Driving Cycles. The total environment.
  2. Andre Michel, R. j. (1994). Actual car use and operating conditions as emission parameters. The science of total environment.
  3. Barth, M. B. (2009). Energy and emissions impacts of a freeway-based dynamic eco-driving system.
  4. Berry, I. M. (2010). The effects of driving style and vehicle performance on the Real-world Fuel consumption of the U.S Light-Duty Vehicles. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  5. Dictionary, O. (2010). Gasoline. Oxford express.
  6. Erickson, B.-F. K. (2005). Influence of street characteristics, driver category and car performance on urban driving patterns.
  7. Sam, A. K. (2008). The effects of route choice decisions on vehicle energy consumption and emissions. Transportation research.
  8., W. (2018). Energy audit definition.



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