Academic Master

BUSINESS, Business and Finance

Fortune 500 Logistic Company Analysis

Fortune 500 Logistics Company

The Fortune 500, a global cargo and logistics services organization, is a multi-national business entity that is located in 22 different countries, with 400 corporate offices and warehouses in these countries. It is considered to be the United States’ 15th most considerable freight and logistics company, making approximately 200 million dollars a year (Kivi,.1991). Though a Fortune 500 logistics company is among the biggest logistic services companies in the states, it still needs to improve in some of its areas:

Warehouse issues

Fortune 500 has been providing logistics on a global scale for the last 20 years and has improved with each passing day since its beginnings, though its transporting vehicles like cargo ships, trucks, and other smaller vehicles are of state of the art and well maintained. However, the problem has always been with the space in its warehouse, which has always remained one of the biggest reasons for the company’s inability to look for more projects (Leplat, 1984). Either some new pieces of land would have to be bought by the company, or some adjustments like double tucker racks would have to be put in every warehouse around the world since this is one of the major shortcomings one can see clearly.

Frequent shortage of labor/ workforce

As we have mentioned above, the company in question has operations in around 400 locations around the world. Unfortunately, the administrative body of the company sometimes lags far behind other competitive companies when it comes to human resources and agility in loading or unloading the commodities it is transporting from one place to another. This weakness in employee management would eventually fade the reputation of the company at large since there are already some complaints from customers about late deliveries and untidy and unprofessional packing issues (MacDonald,.1996). Then there is some problem in the demarcations of goods as well, which ends up in someone`s self-packet to someone’s self, which again is a mistake from the side of the main labor power.


As we have discussed above, there are two separate and severe shortcomings on the part of the company, a company that is very trusted by its customers around the world. The stakeholders and the beneficiaries of the company have two views on administrative issues. Otherwise, the name that has remained made in years of hard work would be annulled in a matter of months because of recklessness.


Kivi, P., & Mattila, M. (1991). Analysis and improvement of work postures in the building industry: application of the computerized OWAS method. Applied ergonomics, 22(1), 43-48.

Leplat, J., & Rasmussen, J. (1984). Analysis of human errors in industrial incidents and accidents for improvement of work safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 16(2), 77-88.

MacDonald, H. (1996). Why business improvement districts work. Civic Bulletin, 4, 1-3.



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