Academic Master


Fibroadenomas Disease Analysis


Fibroadenomas, benign (not cancerous), a disease that develops discomfort in the chest. The most common symptoms of breast cancer in mass that moves when it touches the chest. Fibroadenomas often develop in adolescence, as is often the case in young women, but are common in women of any age. Men may also have a fibroadenoma, but this is very rare. Fibroadenomas in the breast tend to have a soft, smooth texture and easily felt beneath the skin, acting as lumps. Fibroadenomas usually without pain, but sometimes, especially up to period can sometimes be tender or painful.


Most fibroadenoma is approximately 1-3 cm and is called simple fibroadenoma. When viewed under a microscope, simple fibroadenomas look the same everywhere. Simple fibroadenomas do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer in the future.

Fibroadenoma complex

Some fibroadenomas are called fibroadenoma complex. When examined under a microscope, there are different properties of some cells. Possession of complex fibroadenoma may increase the risk of developing breast cancer in the future a bit longer.

Giant or juvenile fibroadenoma

Sometimes fibroadenoma can rise more than 5 cm, and can be called giant fibroadenoma. Point of interest in young girls, young people can be called fibroadenomas. Fibroadenoma is not known what caused it. Perhaps, it is believed, it is due to increased sensitivity to the hormone estrogen. Breast lobe (milk glands) and canal (milk transfer tube to the nipple) are formed. These glandular surrounded by fibrous and fatty tissue. Fibroadenomas thrive in the lobes. The glandular tissue grows over the lobes and ducts and brings a formed solid lump.


If you find a mass of the breast, the doctor (doctor’s head) page. They are aimed at a specialist breast surgeons and clinics who are a nurse. The clinical breast to help put the final diagnosis “triple assessment” Do you have a series of studies, known as. This evaluation consists of the following:

Breast exam

Ultrasound examination (using high frequency sound waves to obtain the images) and / or a mammogram (chest X-ray)

Core biopsy and / or aspiration with fine needle (FNA).

Identification of fibroadenoma is generally easier in young women. If you are in the early twenties, only fibroadenomu breast examination and diagnosis can be done by ultrasound. However, if there is any uncertainty about the diagnosis, the biopsy will be the primary or FNA.

If you are younger than 40, it is likely that ultrasound mammography is very high. Young women may be dense breast tissue, which is lower than X-ray can focus the image, so it may be more difficult to identify changes in normal or benign breast conditions. However, for some women under the age of 40, mammography remains necessary to complete the evaluation.

In most cases, no follow-up or treatment is necessary if you have a fibroadenoma. It usually only gets bigger if you want to go back to the breast clinic or general medical practitioner, or you will be asked if you notice any changes.

Most fibroadenoma remains the same. Others less, and some of them have lost for a long time. Few fibroadenomas, especially the young ones, are growing. Fibroadenoma, pregnancy and lactation or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) periods may be larger, but then generally becomes larger.


Sometimes large, complex or surgical biopsy of removal of the name given to a juvenile fibroadenoma my removal is necessary. You can also remove my fibroadenoma. This can be done with local or general anesthesia. The surgeon can use sutures inserted and removed without the need to be dissolved under the skin. However, if the type is insoluble, it will need to take a few days after surgery. To look at the wound and in front of the hospital care will be given in this regard.

Biopsy by excision under vacuum

Biopsy by vacuum excision to eliminate the recommended my fibroadenoma. It is a way to solve small fibroadenomas without surgery with local anesthesia. After a local anesthetic injection, a small incision is made in the skin. Inside connected to a vacuum apparatus mounted on this blank probe. By ultrasound or mammography as a guide, fibroadenoma aspirated through the collection chamber with a vacuum probe. Biopsy device is not used in this way until all fibroadenomas. This may mean that you avoid surgery under general anesthesia. Extracted tissue is sent to the laboratory and examined under a microscope. This process can cause bruising and pain after a few days. Resection fibroadenoma, usually do not affect the shape of the mouthpiece, but may be extracted a small dent in the breast.


For many women, not being a fibroadenoma increases the risk of developing breast cancer. If you are diagnosed fibroadenoma complex, we are concerned that very little may increase the risk. However, this does not mean that you will develop breast cancer in the future. After placing the fibroadenoma diagnosis on them, how long is it occurring, if you notice any changes in your breasts remains breast conscious, and it is important that you go back to your doctor.


Roubidoux Marilyn A., (2015, Nov). Breast Fibroadenoma Imaging. Retrieved from

Breast Cancer Care, (2017). “Fibroadenoma.” Retrieved from

Herndon Jaime, (2012, July). Fibroadenoma of Breast. Retrieved from



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