Academic Master


Fetishism Behaviour


Question # 1. Pick two of the behaviours discussed in Chapter 16 of the text that you were unfamiliar with or have an interest in discussing further. What is the term/behaviour? What did you learn? What opportunities/challenges do you see in working with a client who engages in this behaviour?

Fetishism is one of the varieties of Noncoercive Paraphilias. It is sexual behaviour in which an individual obtains sexual pleasure primarily or exclusively from one specific part of a body. There are many challenges that one would face working with someone who is a fetish. The first and foremost challenge is interoperability. A fetish will not look you in the eye while making a conversation. Instead, he will be looking at one specific part of your body, and that will make you uncomfortable, which will create difficulties in communicating work to him. If he is a valuable client of my company, it does not matter what I am going to do; he may try to exploit me by asking for any favour from me that will give him pleasure. Most people having this order most of the time think about sexual desire (Crooks & Baur, 2017).

Zoophilia is another sexual behaviour in which humans do sexual activities with animals. Suppose this type of person is a client of my business. Uncomfortability will be the first challenge I will face. Another problem for me would be having conversations with this type of client, the sound he or she would make will cause comfortability in talking to him or her. My safety and security will be another challenge because they haven’t found any opposite-sex partner that caused them to have sex with the animal. Mostly, the people who engage in these behaviours are often those who do not find an opposite-sex partner. Most of the animals involved in these activities are pet animals like dogs, cats, and horses (Killermann, 2017).

Question # 2. Earlier this week, you submitted your second Reaction Paper.  Please provide a brief overview of your topic and the major points of your paper.  This is designed to help students learn about the interests of their peers, as well as to provide them with a chance to discuss with others their topics.  

Sexuality is one mandatory feature of human life and comes with many considerations. It is evident that there is the existence of many dimensions of sexuality that can be explored. Sexual intelligence is one crucial aspect related to the broader concept of sexuality. It provides necessary assistance to individuals with different sexual skills, which helps them to adopt effective sexual behaviours and practices. It also provides necessary indications about the attainment of necessary sexual knowledge, which helps to address different sexual issues or concerns which are faced by humans in their daily lives. The focus is to discuss the features of human sexuality, in particular, its form of sexual behaviours in the case of an adolescent. Statistics indicate that adolescents face the issue of sexual behaviours, which leads to adverse psychological implications in the case of adults. Health issues are one major concern that exists in the case of human sexuality. There are some research studies that reveal inappropriate forms of sexual behaviours in individuals, which can be the reason for different chronic health issues.

The prospect of sexual intelligence is the key to effectively dealing with the problems related to the risks in the case of sexual behaviour. The effective paradigm of counselling ultimately helps to identify problems and areas of change that are necessary to assist the youth of society. An innovative behavioural intervention can be the one feasible solution to address the issues related to the concept of human sexuality. It considers all the stakeholders to efficiently approach the different concerns which might appear in the case of sexual behaviours.


Crooks, R. L., & Baur, K. (2017). Our sexuality. Cengage Learning.

Killermann, S. (2017). A Guide to Gender: The Social Justice Advocate’s Handbook. Impetus Books.



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