Academic Master


Fairness Among Children

Fairness is the quality of being impartial without any discrimination against a person. In all societies, fairness is valued as one of the primary moral principles. Many studies have shown that children begin to contemplate fairness from a young age. However, as children grow up, they also begin to develop feelings of self-interest, which may dim their sense of being fair. Thus, it is very important for parents and teachers alike to teach children about the importance of fairness, as it can help the young generation to develop a more unbiased and problem-solving approach. Children should be engaged in conversations so they can learn about its importance. I have also engaged myself in such a conversation with children.

I had visited my niece one day. She was having a lunch party with her friends. One of my niece’s friends said that it was fair that Muslims were being killed because they were terrorists. I was shocked to hear a young child utter such strong words. I then decided to indulge myself in their conversation. I asked him why he thought that Muslims deserved to die. He answered that he had heard his uncle say that Muslims were terrorists and it was fair to kill them. I then told him that it wasn’t fair to kill anyone. Killing someone is an act of crime and also against the word of God. All human beings have been created with good and bad qualities. It is up to us to decide which path we want to take. Every society hosts people who do good and bad deeds, but just for a bad deed of one person, we should not punish the whole community.

I asked him how he would feel if his brother broke a jar and his mother punished the whole family for it. He answered that it would be unfair. I then told him that to treat all Muslims in a wrongful way just because of the activities of some bad seeds would also be unfair. Only those people who are wrong in their actions should be punished. Thus, one should always try to remain neutral and make decisions on the basis of justice and fairness.

There are many observation methods which can be employed to gather relevant information about Elle’s individual needs. One of the observational methods is “naturalistic observation.” It involves the study of participants’ spontaneous behaviour in their natural surroundings (Dalén et al.). It will allow Elle to behave in her most natural way because she would not know that she’s being observed. This method can be used to document her activities and the pattern with which she interacts with others, for example, her behaviour when she is happy around others, when she wants their attention or when she gets upset.

The other method which can be used is situation sampling. It involves the participant’s behavioural study in different situations and locations. In the case of Elle, it can be used to study her at different intervals. She can be studied during her meal times to better understand her needs and habits. As she enjoys painting and listening to stories, one can also observe how she indulges herself in these activities. Her responses and expectations can be studied.

Children with cerebral palsy may face many barriers to learning. One of the most profound barriers is social. Children suffering from cerebral palsy often experience many social challenges, such as lack of attention, social anxiety, isolation or a sense of burden on their guardians. The social stigmatization often associated with mental diseases hinders many from achieving their desired goals despite their potential. This is what I have observed based on my naturalistic observation of a child having cerebral palsy.

The environment in which he is being fostered is having a negative impact on the child because he is seen as an outcast by other children and even some society elders. The participant is a nine-year-old boy with an unusual spark for learning. However, he is often ostracized by his friends, who do not include him in their activities because of his impairment. The lack of interaction and social acceptance is hindering his development process, and he is shy about interacting with anyone except his family members. To investigate the child’s learning barriers further, I would like to enlist the help of the United Cerebral Palsy and Cerebral Palsy Support Network. These two organizations provide support services for the disabled and their families. They ensure to empower the individual to look beyond their disabilities and lead independent lives through education and employment.

To help disabled children face no barriers in their learning, it is important that social barriers be lifted. With the help of educators, researchers and organizations, different plans must be devised to educate people about cerebral palsy. The government can help create awareness in the society. Media must be regulated to create knowledge of this disability so people can learn about its symptoms and parents can seek medical care for their children. Workshops must be conducted and supervised by medical experts and researchers so information can effectively float through people. Different plays can also be constructed with the help of these agencies so people can know the barriers present in society, which can hinder one’s growth and undermine one’s potential. Children are the future of this world, and their inclusion is very important for the developmental process to continue, regardless of any disability or impairment.


Dalén, Y., Sääf, M., Nyrén, S., Mattsson, E., Haglund-Åkerlind, Y. and Klefbeck, B., 2012. Observations of four children with severe cerebral palsy using a novel dynamic platform. A case report. Advances in Physiotherapy.



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