Academic Master

Health Care

Examples of Nutrition Science

One of the ways that nutrition is brought up in everyday experiences is through the way people talk about the food on social media that they eat. For example, people might post pictures or comments about the food that they are eating, or they might even describe the nutritious value of the food in detail to others. People can use these types of posts to influence the way that others perceive and think about certain foods, which can lead to more or less healthy eating habits in other people. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have also been used to promote and encourage healthy eating and nutritious food in general. For instance, people prefer eating and recommending burgers or pizza from a certain food hut and describe the nutrient profile of the food but the evidence of nutritious enriches of such food items is not proven in nutrition science.

One of the everyday experiences that we may hear from others is, “A nutritious breakfast is making me hungrier throughout the day.” Although this statement may be true, it is not supported by any scientific evidence, as there is no evidence to show that breakfasts that are high in protein cause hunger throughout the day. Based on experiences in social interactions, people eating outdoors can be found telling others, “The food here is terrible; it looks like something out of a horror movie,” which describes that the food is not nutritionally adequate. Thus, there are numerous examples of nutrition that we may see brought up in everyday experiences, including social media and social interactions.

In order to answer the question about whether or not examples of food or nutrition are believable, an individual must consider what facts are being communicated about food or its nutritious value. In order to understand what is being communicated about food, it is important to understand the context in which the communication takes place. However, what is being presented on social media is not always correct as these examples are not proven by knowledge from nutrition science.

There is no single right or wrong way to determine what is credible or non-credible nutritional information. Ultimately, the individual consumer should determine what is true for them based on their personal experiences and other information they have been exposed to regarding the various sources of nutrition. The source of information about a certain food product should be considered, but other factors, such as the specific details of the information, the credibility of the person who provided the information, and the overall consistency of the information, should also be taken into account. However, the characteristics of non-credible information may include red flags like a lack of accuracy, inconsistency, or lack of information.



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