Academic Master

Environmental Science

Electric Cars are Gas and Environment Friendly

The world after contributing a lot of emissions to the Earth is finally trying to alienate itself from the fuels that have been impacted negatively by the global climate over the years as the number of electric cars on the world’s roads is surging and becoming popular among the authorities and folks. Transport system all over the globe sees electric transport as an important part of cutting emissions, green credentials, and cleaner energy combustion which leads to reducing global warming. From an environmental standpoint, electric vehicles have great potential for the improvement of the environment as compared to conventional transport which includes petrol, gas, and diesel cars. Electric cars are unequivocally better and more sustainable as battery technology evolves and the feasible energy from the grid becomes manageable at a certain level, the more environment-friendly and gas-friendly electric vehicles become. Many research studies back up the environmental claims that it is better for the world to drive an electric car than drive a gasoline-powered vehicle that poses legitimate issues to the global climate (Hooftman, et al.). Thus, switching to electric transport is essential for a greener environment. This research paper backs up the environmental standpoint that electric cars are gas and environment-friendly products due to their contribution to zero carbon footprints to the global climate as compared to the gasoline or fossil fuels-powered transport system.

There are many reasons that contribute to the importance of having electric cars instead of conventional vehicles which include cleaner electricity, the efficiency of the electric motors, less or zero greenhouse emissions, fewer carbon footprints, and renewable electricity coming into the grid all over the world. While conventional transport uses dirty fossil fuels to run which is polluting the environment as ever, electric transport run on renewable energy and the carbon impact of the production of automobiles falls for all new and advanced vehicles as the electricity grid gets sustainable and cleaner, reducing the carbon footprint in the global climate. Despite a lot of refinements, the fuel in petrol and diesel engines used in conventional gasoline-powered cars is wasted as heat and noise after useful functions of converting fuel into movement in internal combustion engines. Electric vehicles, by contrast, are 70% more efficient and emit about 30% less carbon than vehicles that use fossil-fueled or gas-powered equivalents. One of the reasons that back up the importance of electric or greener vehicles is worth pointing out is that the mining of fossil fuels including diesel, petrol, and gas has dire environmental impacts in their extraction because it is impossible to burn the fuel sustainably. Therefore, electric vehicles are the need of the hour in minimizing the impacts of the combustion and emissions produced by fossil-fuels-powered vehicles (Roman).

The findings suggest that so-called “well to wheel” operations in conventional cars or vehicles have the global warming impacts of the energy that is needed to mine, refine, and transport the oil or fossil fuels into diesel, gasoline, or petrol. However, one of the findings compares the energy-intensive production of electric vehicles because of the energy and the raw material that is needed to manufacture electric cars which are built on lithium-ion batteries. Besides, there is a picture of the environment that starts getting improved when an electric vehicle hits the road but the picture seems mixed when the world depends on the electricity generation of the country where an electric car is being driven. This changes the picture to the wholly dependent scenario on the way how electricity and energy are generated in a certain country. Electricity generation from coal is the most polluting way that drastically impacts the environment and increases the global warming impact so the benefits would be somewhat less than the electric vehicles. It is estimated that a gas-powered car emits on average 2 to 3 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year which is not the case in an electric car because it uses electricity from renewable and clean sources of energy and does not produce greenhouse gas emissions in its running.

All-electric vehicles globally have a viable market because they are cheap environmentally and cut down on the costs of gas-driven vehicles. Air contamination, in this regard, is the biggest factor people are now inclined towards all-electric cars because of the fact electric cars are assumed a pivotal step in decreasing ozone-depleting substances from the air that influence the existence of humans in the portability area. Thus, electric cars are a solution to the problem of urban air quality because of the fewer emissions produced by the air that keep up the climate and save the cities from noise and air pollution by diminishing unsafe gases. On the other hand, gas-driven cars use fuels such as petroleum, gasoline, or diesel that release toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and smog in the air that wrecks the environment through air and noise pollution. Due to this, the potential risk of global warming is increasing day by day as 70% of the world’s emissions’ breakdown is released by gasoline-driven cars whereas electric transport prompts zero gas discharge that lessens the risk of air contamination (Kihm and Trommer).

Making an electric car uses a lot of energy and power but is still a greener option for the global climate because of the fewer emissions created during the manufacturing of an electric car than a gasoline-driven car conventionally used in all regions of the world. This is because of the production of lithium-ion batteries that cuts down more than a third of the lifetime carbon dioxide consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and resultantly the environment is changing for the better. Lithium-ion batteries are an essential part of the electrification of vehicles and the game rises with the recycling and reusing of batteries which have grown the electric cars market. The recycled batteries can be used in other new technologies for energy storage and the green credentials of the used batteries of electric cars can be a major factor in cleaning up the environment humans breathe (Seba).

A wealth of research proves that all-electric cars are gas and environment-friendly and are better for the improvement of global climate although there are some environmental issues related to the carbon emitted in the manufacturing, fossil-fuel-powered electricity used in the charging of electric vehicles, etc. Furthermore, powering electric cars requires rechargeable batteries that require raw materials inputs such as lithium, aluminium, nickel, and cobalt which on one hand are eco-friendly because they emit zero carbon but the places these raw materials can be found are mired due to serious conflicts across the world (Roman). These issues reduce the green credentials of electric transport but it is fortunate that battery production is evolving and energy sources are becoming more sustainable and cleaner. Despite these drawbacks that will become less of an issue in the future with the ever-emerging technology, electric cars are far more environmentally friendly than gasoline-powered cars in their carbon footprint as they emit fewer air pollutants and greenhouse gases. So, electrification is now inevitable to save the world’s resources as well as protect the environment from air and noise pollution which is the dire risk posed by gas-driven cars (Seba).

The notable advantage electric cars possess is the considerable reduction of emissions while maintaining high efficiency in energy use. On the other hand, the availability of fossil fuels and gasoline cannot back up the production and running of conventional vehicles because the resources are not sustainable. Switching to the electrification of vehicles can extend the time of the availability of fossil fuels that would allow other transport types such as fleets and aeroplanes to utilize the available resources of fossil fuels enhancing the use of renewable energy for automobiles. Moreover, the available resources can be utilized during unforeseen emergencies and the number of carbon emissions can be controlled while shifting electricity production to renewable resources for electric vehicles. However, the electricity demand would be expected to rise in the scenario of replacing gasoline-powered vehicles with electric cars which will also increase the greenhouse gas emissions that would take place during the production of electricity (Hooftman, et al.). All in all, despite some environmental and production issues, electric cars are expected to have a positive impact on the environment and the global climate if eco-friendly resources such as renewable and nuclear power plants would be used to generate power and electricity.

In a nutshell, electric vehicles are a powerful greener weapon to beat the havoc of global warming and an obvious path to a low-carbon future. All-electric vehicles are the future of the global automobile industry as automobile-producing firms are fascinated by the friendly nature of electric cars and the rise in their production across the world. The market viability of electric vehicles is sustainable and affordable which is why countries are going a step ahead to manufacture electric vehicles. Moreover, vehicle electrification is a significant way to reduce planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions despite the upfront costs of electric cars and of which people around the world are still reluctant to buy this product. However, the research shows that electric cars actually save consumers money in the long run as electric cars require lower costs of charging and maintenance as compared to gasoline-powered engines in vehicles that tend to require high costs for oil changes. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint from the global climate will positively impact the environment which will contribute to better public health conditions and a greener environment. So, in future, electric cars will be the best environment-friendly and sustainable partners for humans because they have made human life quicker, more sustainable, and more manageable already.

Works Cited

Hooftman, Nils, et al. “Environmental Analysis of Petrol, Diesel and Electric Passenger Cars in a Belgian Urban Setting.” Energies, vol. 9, no. 2, 2016, p. 84.

Kihm, Alexander, and Stefan Trommer. “The New Car Market for Electric Vehicles and the Potential for Fuel Substitution.” Energy Policy, vol. 73, 2014, pp. 147–57.

Roman, Harry T. “The Electric Cars Challenge.” Technology and Engineering Teacher, vol. 71, no. 1, 2011, p. 22.

Seba, Tony. Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation: How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utilities and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030. Tony Seba, 2014.



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