Academic Master


Early Childhood Discipline and Guidance


In child development, various challenges do arise when parents and teachers are helping them to learn appropriate code of conduct. Errant behavior may result due to conflicts between parenting styles and the curriculum program. Communication between teachers, family and children should be harmonious, clear and meaningful. Close relationship between the teachers and family is important for appropriate intervention to take place.

Specific Plan for Addressing the Discipline or Guidance Scenario.

The plan of action will be use of rewards or reinforcements. This consists of both positive and negative reinforcement (Coleman, 2018). The use of positive reinforcement is very important in controlling errant behavior. Primary reinforcements are to be used in behavior modification and may include giving candy, a smile, a hug or giving verbal praise to the child after exhibiting a desired code of conduct. Both material and social reinforcements will help the child learn and repeat the desired behavior. It is also important for the teacher to understand the favorite activities for each child as these can also be used to reinforce appropriate behavior. Token economies are easy to associate with and children love it when they receive them, so long as it’s those tokens that they like. Negative reinforcement is also important in behavior modification (Kazdin, 2017). By providing alternative desirable activities, the child can carry out an activity that is less desirable like sharing a toy so that they can be allowed to do a more favorable activity like playing with the computer. When a child gets used to repeatedly doing the right thing, they develop a sense of pride and satisfaction which becomes intrinsic reinforcement.

How the Plan would Support the Teaching Approach.

While implementing the creative curriculum, it would be important to determine the parenting style used by Lisa’s family. If the family could be using permissive parenting style, then it could lead to this problem. Authoritarian parenting style may also contribute to errant behavior, especially where punishment is harsh (Votruba-Drzal 2017). The school environment would be confusing and the child would not know how to react. She may learn to be a bully from the home environment. It’s important to determine whether Lisa’s family is authoritarian or permissive in parenting style. The caregiver should address the situation respectfully, tactfully and honestly when communicating with the parents. If Lisa has been neglected, then it will require urgent intervention to try and fill the gap to help the child readjust to avoid psychological impairment. Lisa shows a social emotion problem which is one of the areas addressed by creative curriculum objectives. Since she is finding it difficult to regulate her own behavior and emotions, then immediate intervention is necessary. The child has to learn and internalize socially appropriate rules and behaviors while interacting with others .The child needs to know adult expectations that are consistent with the rules. The child should be able to determine good and bad behaviors and the results that they produce affecting both the child and others.

As a teacher, it’s important to help a child to learn effortful control skills where the child is able to delay gratification and inhibit immediate impulses, so as to pay more attention on what they are doing with themselves and with others (Weller 2017). It’s important for the teacher to help the child to engage in prosocial behavior by allowing her to imitate others who are exhibiting acceptable social behavior to learn from them. Frustration can be minimized by allowing the child to engage in self talk. As Weller (2017) explains, a child should be taught emotional regulation as their brains develop. It will help them to think, process information, and act accordingly within the rules stipulated. One of the reasons why a child will misbehave is lack of understanding of the adult’s expectations. It’s therefore important to have the child understand the rules by explaining them and also be consistent in reinforcing the desired outcome. A child should know that adults expects them to learn, be safe, healthy, meet social cultural expectations, and have order in their environment among other things.

Creating an Effective Partnership with Parents to Address the Discipline or Guidance.

The family may take punishment as a strategy to modify behavior while educators take reinforcement as a behavior modification technique creating conflict. Since this may result in discord, it’s important to listen empathetically to the family so that one can adjust behavior modification. Teachers should also let family members know when their children are improving since they may not be aware. According to Wardle (2013), it’s appropriate to communicate regularly with the family and inform them on the behavior changes observed on the child. The parents should be encouraged to take control of behavior modification at home and allow the educators and care givers to control behavior when the child is at school or on field trips. Any questions that are asked by the parents should be answered honestly but in a professional way citing the reasons behind decisions made. The parent should also inform the teacher on what effective approaches to behavior modification are used at home with success. Parents should be made aware of the discipline policy of the institutions program before they enroll their children to avoid future conflicts. Where a child engage in a behavior that can impact negatively on the teaching program, then immediate communication with parents is important.

Describing Possible Obstacles Encountered when Implementing the Plan.

One of the major obstacle that might be encountered is when the mode of behavior modification by family is different from the one used in the creative curriculum. If the parent has been using punishment to correct bad behavior in Lisa, then it would be difficult to use reinforcement with the child. Another challenge will be if it is determined the child has delayed development in relation to her peers and hence lacks the cognitive ability to comprehend implication of her conduct.

How to Overcome the Obstacles Mentioned.

It’s important to note that feelings and emotions are vital components in problem solving. A child has to be taught how to express these emotions and feelings positively by caregivers, teachers and parents. One way to solve the problem on conflicting approaches to behavior modification between family and the educators will be by discussing with the parent on how to approach this conflict and implement the parent’s suggestions. It would also be important to identify what works at home successfully and implement if in line with the curriculum. A common ground should be reached and regular communication on further challenges and success (Coleman, 2018). Quality time between teachers and family should be encouraged to forge better relationships for successful team work in problem solving. Where there is delayed child development, this would be addressed by requesting the parent to seek intervention from experts on testing and application of any professional advice to help the child with special needs. Frequent communication with the parents through letters, weekly plan, or verbal communication should be done. The objective will be to inform participants on improvement or seek clarification on measures being implemented to correct the problem.


Lisa can be assisted by ensuring that her problem has been understood through close observation of her behavior, discussion with family and using positive reinforcement. In case she is facing developmental setbacks, then professional help will be important. Better communication with her parents will help understand her family background and address further challenges well. Any conflicts that may arise when correcting her behavior should be addressed professionally and empathetically.


Coleman, A.P. (2018). Zero Discipline Parenting Methods for Parents Tired of Time Outs, Fatherly. Retrieved from,

Kazdin, A.E. (2017). Can you Discipline Your Child Without using Punishment, psychology benefits society. Retrieved from,

Votruba-Drzal, E. (2017). Handbook of early childhood development programs, practices, and policies. Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from:

Wardle, F. (2013). Collaboration with families and communities. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Weller, C. (2017). A top psychologist shares his 3-step method parents can take to discipline their kids, Business Insider. Retrieved from,



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