Academic Master


E-Government in California

California is one of the states in the United States of America which has employed the use of e-government in its administration system and provision of services to citizens. The state has a well-defined website which enables citizens to interact with the government over the internet. There are various tabs for different services required on which the users click on a request for their service. The request is received, and then a response is given either through a confirmation message or an e-mail to the user. The site is accessible to individuals who own mobiles and personal computers. Users can access the site by entering the required details for identification and legibility. (Heeks, 2006) The site is mobile friendly and enables The users to accession at any time any place.

There is a variety of services given through the website. These services include registration of licenses such as the hunting or fishing license. Citizens also file their income tax returns through the site. On requesting for these services, the information is processed, and feedback is given. A printable e-mail is sent to the user in case of license application whereas a confirmation message is sent when income tax has been successfully filed. Other services offered on the website include submission of employment information, registration of complaints against business licenses, renewal of permits, reserving campsites in the state park and requesting for government loans. (Towns, 2012)

For security and confidentiality, the website requires a unique identifier to ensure that only correct users access specific sections of the site. It also needs the personal information of the user for legibility purposes. In the case where payments are supposed to be made, financial information of the user is always required.

The website works efficiently in the provision of services to the citizens of California. First, it provides location awareness to the user. While accessing the site online, the user can locate various places around them such as hospitals, parks and other social amenities that are essential for every day’s life. The site also provides live help to the user when a need arises as well as notification services. Citizens who have subscribed can receive notifications on what is happening within the state. Such warnings include weather alerts and essential activities such as garbage collection days.

The e-government system has led to the reduction of operational costs due to reduced paperwork as the citizens access their services online. Government services have improved, and they can also be obtained from any place. Efficiency has been enhanced by the reduction of the time that it takes to deliver services. People do not need to leave their homes or workplaces to go and make the various applications in government offices. Online applications save a lot of time and also reduces the number of persons visiting government offices. (Towns, 2012) Lastly, the e-government system had reduced rates of corruption. Citizens do not receive the service they require depending on how they know the individual who is rendering the service but services are given to every citizen equally when they request for it.

The e-government has brought much change in the state of California and made administration easier. However, it is recommended that the government considers the services that the public wants. In this way, they shall be able to provide only that which is relevant and useful to the users. The most highly valued and prioritised services should be considered to bring this into realisation.

It is also recommended that the government should let the programming personnel run the system rather than IT specialists. It is better to program initiatives that will ensure significant government operations rather than technology.

The priorities of the state should also be considered in setting the website for proper budgeting if the state resources. The services that are most important to the country should always be prioritised and well planned for.

With the adoption of these recommendations, the state shall be able to get the best out of the e-government system.


Heeks, R. (2006). Implementing and managing e-Government: An international text. London: SAGE.

Steve Towns, (2012). What Makes the Best Government Website?, USA.



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