Academic Master



Duties &Ligation of Parties


In order to maintain the industrial world and relationships between workers and employers there must be a regulated authority or law. The employer’s fundamental rights must be respected by the employer and the worker must comply with his obligations towards the company. In the UAE, labor laws contain a detailed list of the rights and obligations of these parties.

UAE Labor Law

Ministry of labor UAE announced new labor laws as a comprehensive set of rules to established stronger relationships among employers and workers in all over the UAE. Purpose of these changes in labor law is to improve labor market for more labor mobility for workers. Significant changes in UAE labor law are standard work contract, conditions for terminating any contract and few procedures about work permits. One of the controversial issues rose after these changes that how do new labor regulations affect employment and employers contracts? As per new UAE labor laws, employers must acquire a standardize official letter from electronic ministry system. That letter includes the sections covered various aspects of modern labor laws comprises of worker and employers rights and duties and responsibilities. Both parties signed that particular legal letter before submitting to the ministry. The aim of this legal letter to promote transparent relationship among company and worker, this contract of employment must define wages and salaries, contract dates, agreement duration including all the details related to the nature of working and its timings.

Employment Duties and Obligations

Work obligations and obligations included in the employment contract ranged from one company to another. Most contracts of employment, or at least those properly drafted by a solicitor, will separate the mutual obligations of each party to the Convention, as well as additional labor obligations imposed by law.

The Duty of Employers

Other duties of the employer include:

  • 1. Obligation to pay the salary of the employee
  • 2. Pay the wages during the suspension
  • 3. Payment of salaries during sick leave
  • 4. Compensation of the employer
  • 5. Safety of employees

The Rights of Employers

  • 1. Expect staff to perform contracted services on agreed days and days
  • 2. Expect staff to perform tasks according to their mandate
  • 3. Expect the staff to complete all work instructions and follow all reasonable and legal instructions
  • 4. Expect the staff to show good behavior at work
  • 5. Wait for employees to follow the company’s policies and practices
  • 6. Do you expect employees to comply with the company’s disciplinary rules and procedures?
  • 7. Work in an acceptable manner at the workplace according to company rules
  • 8. The expectation that employees are in good faith and to be loyal and to pay attention to the interests of employers on all occasions
  • 9. Expect employees to follow workplace rules, company policies and practices as well as work performance standards.
  • 10. Expect employees to be really committed to achieving their business goals
  • 11. Expect staff to follow product specifications and quality standards
  • 12. Wait for employees to use the resources and methods that the employer decides
  • 13. Expects staff to report any dishonest or illegal practices in the workplace, including violations of company policies and practices

The Duty of Employees

  • 1. Commitment to obedience to the employer
  • 2. Employees must also comply with the due diligence of the employer in exercising the maximum capacity to perform their duties.
  • 3. The employee must work as much as possible for the duration of the employment relationship and must work in the best interests of the employer at all relevant times.
  • 4. The employee must also not disclose confidential information to his employer.

The Rights of Employees

  • 1. He can not be expelled illegally or discriminated against
  • 2. Be equipped with the appropriate resources and equipment
  • 3. Has safe working conditions
  • 4. Get the agreed bonus on the agreed date and time
  • 5. Receive fair work practices
  • 6. Treats with dignity and respect
  • 7. No victim
  • 8. Leave benefits and other basic working conditions.

Legal Remedies to employment Dispute

In the event of a dispute between one or more employers and all or some of their employees, the parties can not resolve them in a friendly manner, they must follow the following procedures:

1. Workers shall lodge a complaint or complaint in writing with the employer and shall send a copy to the Ministry of Labor.

2. The employer must respond in writing to the complaint or at the request of the employee within seven working days of receipt. At the same time, you must send a copy to the Ministry of Labor.

3. If the employer does not respond to the complaint within the time limit or if the answer has not led to the resolution of the dispute, the competent Ministry of Labor, either on its own initiative or at the request of one of the parties, must provide an unforgettable solution.

4. If the applicant is an employer, he must submit his complaint directly to the Labor Office, which provides an unforgettable solution.



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