Academic Master

Health Care

Does Marijuana And Alcohol Affect The Body?

Drug abuse is an international threat that attacks nations. The countries affected by the problem have sorted ways to reduce the consumption of harmful substances. A nation with a high level of drug consumption does not seem to be economically stable. The reason is the laxity and side effects that the substances contain. Similarly, people tend to develop a tendency not to have a well-defined perception. Drug addicts face many challenges and end up suffering from serious diseases that may not have a cure. The drugs, when combined, will have multiple effects on the lives of people. Both physical and nonphysical effects and internal and external problems arise from the consumption of harmful substances. Problems such as accidents and drugs can be avoided if drugs cannot be used while driving.

Marijuana is among the drugs highly abused in some countries. Other countries declare the drug illegal, and others have legalized the consumption of cannabis indica. The argument basis is on whether marijuana causes fatal accidents or not. The truth is that bhang smokers are involved in very grisly accidents. Most road users consider the road to be a means of transportation. Various motor vehicles and other related means of transport use the roads as the passage and gateway to their destination. This observation requires the stakeholders to act cautiously when using the roads to avoid accidents. Due to the stated reasons, the stakeholders discourage the use of drugs when driving due to the negative effects they cause to individuals. Marijuana has diverse effects that will increase the degree of insanity of an individual who smokes weed in large quantities and mixes other drugs with bhang.

Bhang has side effects that result in hallucinations. The effect is dangerous in all situations since the consumer will be absent-minded and, above all, will tend to see imaginary things. He will see things that cannot happen in the real world. Assuming the driver smokes bhang and decides to drive the vehicle, what happens next? The hallucinations, which include seeing different things differently and, to an extent, seeing things in pairs, may end up leading to a costly accident. The reaction of the body’s hormones creates an imbalance that makes changes within the personal body.

According to Robbe (1998), the effects of marijuana are not immense as compared to the consumption of both marijuana and alcohol at the same time by the same individual. Alcohol creates diverse effects that would result in loss of sight or even the occurrence of death. Not only do alcohol and marijuana lead to accidents, but they also affect the body system negatively. The result of the inhalation would cause permanent damage to body tissues. Smoking bhang and drinking alcohol are bad habits within society. Marijuana can be inhaled in various ways; it can be eaten, smoked, brewed, and vaporized. Tetrahydrocannabinol is a chemical that is responsible for intoxication. The recent marijuana has created an environment that makes it difficult to know the long-term and short-term effects of weed. The smoke released contains chemicals that are released into the bloodstream through the lungs. The same points affected by heroin, alcohol, and tobacco are targeted by bhang. A feeling of euphoria is experienced within the brain, and it stimulates the cells that release dopamine.

The experience of a heightened sensory perception is more common, with the consumers viewing colours to be more vivid and the noise heard to be louder. Marijuana alters the perception of individuals, and they are affected from the view of time to their appetite. A person can also experience a short-term memory problem. The person will not recall some of the important facts and may forget some basic things. Marijuana is considered a pain relief drug that is consumed by people who are in pain. Panic and fear accompany the smokers of bhang. They will always be paid whenever they perform a task. They will be afraid of oblivious things. This effect is dangerous to individuals smoking bhang while driving. At this point, we can conclude that bhang can lead to fatal accidents. Sometimes, the concentration of individuals is lost, and they end up losing focus. Due to the impact created by bhang, it becomes difficult to accept the effects, especially for individuals already addicted. Mental illness can be a result of the effects of weed on the brain cells.

The cells are stimulated and, at some point, may overreact, leading to diverse effects. The impact of heightening is significant since most consumers will feel depressed and may be extremely tired. The effects of marijuana on the body are depicted in the respiratory. Many respiratory diseases can emerge from the ingestion of marijuana (Huestis, Gorelick, Heishman, Preston, Nelson, Moolchan, & Frank, 2001). Those who smoke bhang have increased daily coughs. Coughs that are dry are a result of the chemical reaction between the body cells and the smoke from bhang. Acute chest pains are frequent in persons who consume bhang. It leads to bronchitis, which is a disease that affects the chest. Lung infections could also be diverse, according to research conducted by the World Health Organization. The heart rate can be raised by smoking marijuana. According to Hubbard, Marsden, Rachal, Harwood, Cavanaugh, & Ginzburg (1989), the heart rate can be raised by twenty per cent. According to medical doctors, the rate is not effective since it exposes an individual to diseases.

Alcohol, on the other side, has the same impact as bhang smoking. Similar to bhang, the rate of alcohol consumption is very high and has caused a significant number of deaths. The deaths are due to its dangerous effects on the body tissues. Alcohol has various concentrations that vary according to the brand and companies involved in its manufacture. According to an article in the New York Times, low levels of alcohol consumption can have lesser effects as compared to excessive alcohol consumption (Rice, Kelman, Miller, & Dunmeyer, 1990). Alcohol can cause inflammatory damage to the body. The liver is a soft tissue and has the task of purifying blood. It also helps in the removal of harmful substances from an individual’s body. Continuous consumption of alcohol affects the process of breaking down and removal of toxic substances in the body. This interference exposes the body to liver diseases (Hawkins & Catalano Jr, 1992). The body also faces a risk of chronic inflammation. Liver cirrhosis disease attacks the liver, and a person will lack control of some processes in the body. Once alcohol affects the tissues it is difficult to replace the tissues hence a person only waits for the worst to happen. The defence mechanism within the body weakens and allows diseases to attack a person at any time.

Reducing sugar levels is another effect of alcohol consumption. The organ responsible for sugar balance is the pancreas. The pancreas controls the body’s insulin, which helps produce glucose. Reducing blood sugar levels is dangerous to the body’s system. A person experiences hypoglycemia when the pancreas and liver are affected. Alcohol is responsible for immense damage to the central nervous system. The system affects the individual, who may have a hard time balancing.  Alcohol makes the body lack a defensive mechanism. A mechanism which it uses to fight against disease attacks. Circulatory system diseases could be a result of alcohol present in the body. High blood pressure is a complication developed from alcohol consumption. Heart attack and heart diseases can find their roots in the consumption of alcohol (Hubbard, Marsden, Rachal, Harwood, Cavanaugh,  & Ginzburg, 1989).  Alcohol has claimed the lives of many individuals who have consumed alcohol in large quantities. Brilliant minds disappear from the world due to alcohol. Drugs have long-term effects that may be irreversible due to the permanent damage caused to the tissues and other organs of the body.

In conclusion, drug abuse is dangerous to human beings and their environment. The drugs weaken body tissues and expose the body to dangerous diseases. The diseases such as liver cirrhosis and cancer are incurable. In my opinion, heavy penalties could be imposed on any individual abusing drugs. They should be isolated from the rest so that they can receive special treatment, including guidance and counselling. Various programs should be improvised to assist in creating awareness of the effects of drug and substance abuse. Therefore, by carrying out the mentioned activities, it becomes easy to control the usage and sale of drugs in a nation. More steps are required to make people’s lives more comfortable. The measures should include punishable acts that will aim at punishing drug sellers and users. Additionally, we are supposed to be concerned about our lives. The dynamics and various inventions made in the world today have left a gap that requires knowledge from people to pass the issue. The policies established by the government should focus on the health situation of the people. The policies should correspond to those that exist and be in line with those of other governments in order to eliminate the problem of drug abuse.


Hawkins, J. D., & Catalano Jr, R. F. (1992). Communities that care: Action for drug abuse prevention. Jossey-Bass.

Hubbard, R. L., Marsden, M. E., Rachal, J. V., Harwood, H. J., Cavanaugh, E. R., & Ginzburg, H. M. (1989). Drug abuse treatment: A national study of effectiveness. University of North Carolina Press.

Huestis, M. A., Gorelick, D. A., Heishman, S. J., Preston, K. L., Nelson, R. A., Moolchan, E. T., & Frank, R. A. (2001). Blockade of effects of smoked marijuana by the CB1-selective cannabinoid receptor antagonist SR141716. Archives of General Psychiatry58(4), 322-328.

Rice, D. P., Kelman, S., Miller, L. S., & Dunmeyer, S. (1990). The economic costs of alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness: 1985. DHHS Publication No.(ADM)90, 1694.

Robbe, H. (1998). Marijuana’s impairing effects on driving are moderate when taken alone but severe when combined with alcohol. Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical and Experimental13(2), S70.



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