Academic Master


Does God Exist?

Religion is one of the most controversial subjects in history that has led to many debates and contentions among many. The question of the worship of God and the very existence of Him has led to the formation of societies, the disbanding of nations, and also the death and martyrdom of many. Even today, the contentions still continue. There still exists the questioning of the existence of God amid the many sufferings and evil witnessed in the world. What does society have to say about this? If God exists, why is there so much suffering in the world? Why is life so unfair? Why do the wicked prosper while the good people suffer? Is there not a God who can make all things just and fair for humanity? These are just a few of the questions that bother many and they need answers.

The very fact that some individuals question the existence of God is evidence that He exists. Apparently one cannot question the existence of something that does not exist. The presence of good and evil in this world implies that there are powers beyond human understanding that are responsible for their existence. From a normal point of view, it is wise to believe that God exists since evil and good cannot be self-existent. Besides, if people believe that the devil exists, why then not believe that God also exists? Why is it so easy to believe in the existence of an evil being than in the One who is Righteous and good?

Yet still, someone could question that if God really exists, why is there so much suffering in the world? Why do innocent children get ruthlessly killed? Why does God allow it to happen? Could He not do something to restrain this if He really exists? Why do the wicked people always prosper while the good people suffer? If God really exists, why then, does He not execute justice? These are some of the questions posed to try and justify the claim of the non-existence of God.

When we look at the world all around us, we see creation. We see birds in the air, fish in the water, and animals on the land. The tall and massive trees as well as the tiny ones with only tendrils to support them. All these are perfectly adapted to their habitat; the baobab tree to its desert climate, the green leafy tree to the tropical climate, and the water lilies to their aquatic environment. Yet again, when we look in the skies, we see the sun, the moon, and the stars. They all follow their designated paths and not at any one point collide with each other. The sun shines in the day and the moon and the stars shine at night. Never at any one point has it ever happened the other way round. All these evidence and revelations from nature give strength to the idea that a supernatural perfect being placed all these things in their respective positions and sustained them. It is enough evidence that God truly exists.

From the above argument, it is clear that God exists. Blaise Pascal, a Greek philosopher, mathematician, and inventor, argues that from the general revelation of nature and the Bible’s revelation, it is prudent and wise to believe that God exists. That if one lives as if God exists, ultimately they will have nothing to lose and nothing to gain if it turns out that the existence of God was a hoax. But if He truly exists, they will have eternity to gain and nothing to lose. On the other hand, if one decides to live as if God does not exist, they will have nothing to lose and worldly wealth to gain if it turns out that God never existed. If it turns out that God does exist, they shall have nothing to gain and everything to lose. According to Pascal’s wager, it is wise and safer to believe that God exists.


Gardiner (2006). Proof: Does God Exist?

Moody (2013). A Dialogue on The Proof for the Existence of God. ?

Pascal (1623-62). The Wager.



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