Academic Master


Diversifying Experiences And Cognitive Flexibility


Research has connected creativity to unexpected and peculiar aspects, for example, the earlier parental loss and even staying in Diasporas (Ritter et al., 2012). The aim of this psychology is to come up with those factors that try to divulge some occasions that are believed to boost cognitive adaptabilities or flexibilities. However, there are studies that have tried to come up with the basis for forming the cognitive framework. Studies have experiences that are common, that is, they have diversifying features, and they actively involve each other. The overall involvement of all the experiences and studies they raise the whole process of creative cognitivity.From the research, scholars carried out experiments to test the thinking and factors that divulge people from a cognitive basis (Ritter et al., 2012).

In the opening experiment, the parties involved came across some stipulated and complex unexpected and uncommon events that were occurring in the world of virtual. The next experiment, which measured the cognitive level of participants, involved the overall confrontation of the various members with the act of schematic violations.

In all the above studies, the comparison to the various parties portrayed that diversifying experiences were from the involvement of the cognitive schema violations in the research, and the unusual events formed the basis for the enhancement of cognitive flexibility (Ritter et al., 2012).

From the experiments, there was a formation of bridging lines that explained the basic mechanisms of the cognitive, which facilitated creativity.

Diversifying experiences can be broadened to take a view on Multiculturalism to the creativity connection within different spheres. The test of multiculturalism to creativity is the connection of the diversifying hypothesis in various research. Multiculturalism is formed in all situations, from diversifying movements to unexpected situations, which can either be unfamiliar education testimonies or even changes in early life (Ritter et al.,2012).

Forms the factors that try to separate individuals from their normal lives, thus pressing them to adapt to fresh and unusual ideas in their life expectancies. There are certain ranges of diversifying practices, such as violations of anticipated experiences, exposure to multiple cultures, and unusual diversities, which, in most cases, revolve around increasing the creativity level of individuals within the organization. Also there are models such the Diversifying Experience Model (DEM) which reflects on core connections between the experiences diversifying and the whole creativity . Creativity is viewed in two ranges –low or high levels, which tend to diversify the experiences.

In multiculturalism, there are moderators such as changing personal resources, challenges, and threats of appraisals, all of which focus on diversifying the whole experience in connection to the creative relationship (Ritter et al., 2012).

In most cases where there is an increase in adaptive resources, the diversifying experiences tend to be the primary disaster, boosting creativity, and the time when the adaptive resources decrease, the diversifying experiences are indicated to be reducing the creativity. The assumptions from the overall framework of multiculturism can be noted to give a clear picture of the diversifying experiences, which all amount to increasing the level of creativity of individuals.


Generally, diversifying experiences can occur in all forms. It can either bring happiness or even be lamenting. This experiences are always unexpected and they are unusual to our activities hence they tend to share common features (Ritter et al, 2012).They all force parties to separate themselves from the line of concentration. That is, they all violate the normality and, in so doing, cognitive breaks, thus characterizing cognition with a lot of flexibility. From studies identified in the first paragraph, it is clear that active experiences are the core factors that result in unusual and much-unexpected virtues as displayed in the world of virtues. This type of environment tends to increase cognitive flexibility. From the next incidence, the actively experienced practices are reduced to the small calculated schemes, which all have a decrease in the level of the violation in diversifying, hence, in so doing, raising cognitive flexibility (Ritter et al.,2012).

Practically, there are factors that all focus on the diversification of the experiences. The movement of people to a different areas tend increase the cognitive diversity which later on leads to exchange of ideas thus boosting the creativity level within groups. Creativity always tends to be unconditional, and its stimuli are based on unexpected occasions.


Ritter, S. M., Damian, R. I., Simonton, D. K., van Baaren, R. B., Strick, M., Derks, J., & Dijksterhuis, A. (2012). Diversifying experiences enhance cognitive flexibility. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(4), 961-964.



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