Academic Master


Ditch Meat Because All Animals Have the Same Parts

The above-given image drags the attention of society toward a severe issue that further leads to the significance of being vegetarian. In today’s modern world, using animals is considered abuse, and practicing vegetarianism has become popular among several societal circles.

To spread the message; several organizations and communities are playing their role to communicate the horrible process animals have to go through. Similarly, the image is generated by a renowned organization named People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to persuade the public to acknowledge a vegetarianism-based lifestyle and to treat animals as living things rather than as a source of food. The subject pictorial that depicts the sizzling and famous Pamela Anderson is created with some thoughtful strategies to evoke the sensibility and emotional responsibility of the public for the issue.

For this purpose, the image carries a few rhetorical tactics that implicitly deliver the message to the people and engage them to give the matter a second thought. Take the instance of employing a beautiful and gorgeous model that is marked similarly to a butcher marks an animal before slaughter. Through such indication of marked body parts, PETA intends to address meat-eaters that animals have bodies like humans and are as beautiful as the model in the image. Of course, no one wants to slaughter Pamela Anderson to eat steak and pie made of her meat, because she is apparently beautiful and appealing. But what about animals? Do they not have any right to live and evade the horrible procedures of being slaughtered just because they cannot wear a bikini? Definitely, it is ridiculous. Animals are living organisms and murdering them is an unbelievably brutal act. Therefore it is advised to the meat lovers to consider the above-given image and to imagine that beautiful model to be replaced by the animal they are going to cut and eat; hopefully, it will generate a sense of empathy for poor animals.

Secondly, the image uses soft white, neutral, and lavender colors that are incorporated into the picture on purpose. White is a symbol of purity, while lavender demonstrates the element of softness and tranquility. These colors altogether refer to mellow emotions that define the poignant substantiality of the matter. The picture successfully compares a human with animals both in emotional and physical aspects, but it fails to convey a pragmatic approach. While equating humans with animals; this picture does not refer to different traits that are not similar in all humans and animals. Moreover, the tactics cannot be taken as entirely effective because the picture does not recommend any other healthy alternatives of meat that, in turn, dwindle its overall efficacy.

There is no doubt that Pamela Anderson flaunts her inner and outer beauty boldly and bluntly. Somehow her perfect figure can allure several people to opt a vegetarian diet for smartness purposes. She artistically points out similarities between animals and humans. However, there are many other options for meat that are tastier and free of cruelty, and the ad should have highlighted a few of them to deliver a complete message with an acceptable solution. Rhetorically it is appropriate to underline a problem and then devise a suitable and practical solution for the subject problem. However, the picture only emphasizes the problem and is silent about the answer. For this reason, people will temporarily feel sentimental for animals and will move on without taking any action. The absence of elucidation dims the illumination of the image’s core purpose.

Work Cited

Pamela Anderson Shows That All Animals Have the Same Parts.” PETA,



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