Academic Master


Distinctive Characteristics Of Dragons

Species are groups of living organisms in which individuals have the same characteristics, capable of exchanging genes and interbreeding. Dragon has been chosen as a species. Dragons are classified into their own families and then divided into genes and species. In the past, they were classified as Squamata (lizards and snakes), Testudinata (Turtles), Crocodilia, and Rhynchocephalian (tuatara). A general rule (but not one that is always followed) is that members of a genus CAN reproduce (often in captivity; examples are a wolf, dog, and coyote, or horse, ass, and zebra) while members of a species DO reproduce in the wild (Burness, Diamond, & Flannery, 2001). Dragons have a relationship with other species. Dragon wings are similar to bird wings; for flight mechanism. The bony structure of the modern alligators behind the eyes is similar to the remnants of dragon horns. Lizards have a special sense of smell and hearing just like dragons, most of the dragons come from the species of lizard (Walpole & Leader-Williams, 2002).

Dragons are mainly found in mountainous or rocky environments. Due to the current dragon jumping into the windy updrafts, flying is achieved through the specialized membrane from the elongated rib-like structure(Stuart-Fox, Moussalli, Johnston, & Owens, 2004). Dragons are high predators, just like eagles they have sharp teeth and claws, and approximately six limbs. Dragons have strong, streamlined bodies, which serve as insulators. Neotenous allow them to breed prematurely.

Dragons have some characteristics, i.e. have powerful senses, extraordinary eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell. Dragons can hear the sound too low for the human ear and can see up to a mile further. Dragon is extremely and a wild animal. Dragons are clever; they can talk in spoken language and have the capability for literacy, even write with their claws, they can make friends and enjoy having guests and visit other dragons in a respective period.


Burness, G. P., Diamond, J., & Flannery, T. (2001). Dinosaurs, dragons, and dwarfs: the evolution of maximal body size. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98(25), 14518–14523.

Stuart-Fox, D. M., Moussalli, A., Johnston, G. R., & Owens, I. P. (2004). Evolution of color variation in dragon lizards: quantitative tests of the role of crypsis and local adaptation. Evolution, 58(7), 1549–1559.

Walpole, M. J., & Leader-Williams, N. (2002). Tourism and flagship species in conservation. Biodiversity & Conservation, 11(3), 543–547.



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