Academic Master


Different Kinds of Compromises People Make Daily

The development of human life on this planet confronts multiple phenomena over time where one has to tend towards some agreement of choice. Such a choice may adorn with somewhat giving up, sometimes getting benefits or sometimes cooperation between parties. All life ends up in the same boat where both parties indulge in an agreement and meet up in the middle. This occurrence may term as a sacrifice. These sacrifices tend to make one compromise upon one’s benefits in favour of another party to strengthen relations and bonds. However, this informative essay will explore sacrifices in terms of making compromises, the value of making compromises, and the different kinds of compromises people make daily.

Sacrifices are a pertinent part of everyone’s life regarding which settlement of issues and conflicts occur in the best possible way. These offerings from one party to another create differences in administering the issues. Hence, a compromise is necessarily made whenever there is conflict, and one tends to solve it substantially and comprehensively (Zartman). These conflicts have roots in the desires of each party and eventually create stressful and tense conditions. Such stress puts an immense strain upon relationships between parties, and relations are at stake until these are appropriately resolved. In situations filled with the stress of conflict, the best way is to offer compromise from both parties and reach a resolving condition of ease. Usually, this process includes giving up desires and demands on both sides. Meanwhile, clarified communication is key to successful compromise and sacrifice.

However, compromises build wisdom and add to values while facing life challenges. It’s a time-gaining process where one learns over time through sacrifices and compromises, as compromise is the ability to grasp consensus over issues and reach a peaceful environment. In other words, creating a balance situation between relations, give-and-take, is mandatory for rectifying disagreement (Zachariadis et al.). So the value of collaboration owes its existence to compromise. The principal value in practicing compromise is improvement in the state of affairs among parties. For example, the rigid ideological basis of democratic politics can only create change if collaboration and accommodation are in the form of compromise. In this way, the conflict parties may develop the value of cooperation and give up on some stances to elaborate sacrifice in the long run.

Furthermore, compromise and sacrifice are something everybody tends to go through in life, where they become character-building features of various kinds. In broad terms, compromise may be positive, where both parties get benefits or negative, where one gets benefits and the other gets maltreatment. But practically, people practice various types of compromises in daily life. For example, compromise of time, money and emotional aspects are vivid in society. If an athlete spends rigorous four hours daily preparing for competition, he compromises time. Likewise, participating in each other’s hobbies compromises emotional aspects to cheer up or back up others. Similarly, people split house duties to relinquish tense situations and strain from homes. In addition, one may sacrifice money while reaching possible solutions in business deals. Money compromise may involve situations other than a business where one provides monetary benefits to another party by bearing damage.

Finally, sacrifices are the character-building stakes in human life necessary for a peaceful life. These are necessary for a smooth and peaceful life in human societal units. These pose various values in human personality and enable one to collaborate on some give-and-take agreement. People practice many forms of compromise to make their relations strong and cherishable. The need of the hour is to practice compromise in daily life for a good cause.

Work Cited

Zachariadis, Markos, Garrick Hileman, and Susan V. Scott. “Governance and control in distributed ledgers: Understanding the challenges facing blockchain technology in financial services.” Information and Organization 29.2 (2019): 105-117.

Zartman, I. William. “The strategy of preventive diplomacy in third world conflicts.” Managing US-Soviet Rivalry: Problems of Crisis Prevention. Routledge, 2019. 341-363.



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