Academic Master


Developing Students’ Disciplined Behavior Skills

Education of the culture of behavior. Education of the practical side of discipline and culture of behavior requires skillful and systematic organization of exercises “in the right action” (AC Makarenko).

All this necessitates a wide use of the method of exercises (training) in the system of instruction and extracurricular activities. Let us dwell on the most common of these exercises.

First of all, a clear beginning of studies is of great importance. As already noted, you can not begin the lesson until the class is properly established and the students’ attention is not drawn to the work. If students are agitated or not reassured immediately after the change, special pedagogical methods must be used to establish discipline to set them up for work (they were discussed in the chapter on the lesson).

It is extremely important that the teacher, before the beginning of the classes, pay attention to the cleanliness in the classroom, the presence of chalk at the blackboard and the necessary teaching aids, and if necessary, offered to close the textbooks or prepare notebooks and pens for writing. There is nothing worse for maintaining discipline than fussiness and disorganization of the teacher in the classroom. For example, the teacher began to interview students on the material, and then suddenly discovered that some of them did not close the textbooks. It is necessary to interrupt the respondent and remove this shortcoming. Or another example. The teacher announces the control work on mathematics, approaches the blackboard and records tasks without making any instructions to the students. And now the questions arise: “And what is the date today?”, “How to head the test work?”, “Can I perform a check on the sheets, since I forgot to bring the notebook?”, Etc. So, through the fault of the teacher, there is a mess in the lesson.

In the lessons it is necessary to organize exercises and to teach the students to quietly take their place at the desk after the change, sit properly, observe silence, raise their hands if they want to answer the question posed, or turn to the teacher, beautifully and gracefully stand at the board, do not be distracted from classes, e. Well, if it sometimes appears, as they say, “working noise”, again it is useful to resort to training and, for example, to invite students to “a moment of silence”. You also need to learn to quietly leave the class after the end of the lesson, calmly behave at the changes, etc. It must be emphasized that the method of exercises (learning) is a very effective means of educating the discipline and culture of students’ behavior in the learning process. But these exercises need to be accompanied by brief explanations and conversations about their appropriateness and importance. Especially widespread use of this technique should be found in the primary and secondary classes.

Instruction to discipline in the classroom is carried out with the help of didactic methods and techniques of maintaining the attention of students, activating their cognitive activity and arousing interest in learning. Keen on educational work, the student concentrates on mastering knowledge, gradually gets used to the order and begins to actively fight against all the distractions from the lessons.

If the class finds that students do not do well at home assignments, it is useful to conduct practical classes with them in order to learn to observe the rules of mental work. By participating in these activities, students learn more about the

Misha. 8th grade. – Minsk. 1987.

materialize, respond better at the lesson, and learn from their own experience how much more effective the training work is if they adhere to the necessary rules.

Equally important are the exercises and for organizing the behavior of students in the changes, as well as in conducting extra-curricular activities. In some schools, for this purpose, students are on duty. At the beginning of the school day, the duty officers occupy their posts at the entrance to the school, at the wardrobe, in the corridors and in the classrooms, and follow the order and discipline. One of the students enters the school in dirty shoes – the duty officer offers him to leave the room and clean the shoes. Someone forgot to take off his hat – the duty officer reminds him of this. At the sight of the attendant, the students do not break the order at the wardrobe, do not throw papers on the floor, do not show excessive playfulness and are gradually accustomed to cleanliness, order and accuracy, polish the culture of their behavior.

Nothing less than an exercise in disciplined behavior is the participation of schoolchildren in well-established work, observance of traffic rules, etc. 7.

Use of public opinion of the educational collective in the process of formation of discipline and culture of behavior among students. Individual work with students

Carrying out educational work in the team and through the team, it is necessary to widely use its influence on the development of discipline and culture of students’ behavior.

A big role here is the reliance on the asset. As the most active part of the student body, the activists show high principles in analyzing the behavior of students, making demands on their comrades and orienting the team to increase responsibility for compliance with internal regulations. That is why it is necessary to practice special meetings and conversations with activists on the implementation of rules for students, raise demands for improving their behavior, instruct them to conduct explanatory work with their comrades.

Based on activists, it is necessary to tactfully apply measures of social impact in cases where individual students admit deviations from the rules of conduct. These measures include: listening to the explanations of students who violate discipline, at class meetings, at meetings of student committees, the use of measures of public censure, and in some cases, and penalties.

However, one should seriously weigh the expediency of these measures and use them cautiously and only when one or another schoolboy deliberately breaks the order and does not consider critical remarks from classmates and teachers. Public influence in these cases should act as a collective condemnation of indiscipline and at the same time indicate ways to improve behavior.

Finally, an important place in the system of extracurricular activities is occupied by individual educational work with students both in overcoming, and especially in preventing undiscipline. Teachers and class leaders need to carefully study students, especially their behavior, and notice the slightest deviations from the norms and rules of discipline, as well as find out the reasons for these deviations. It should be borne in mind that the tendency to violate the order does not appear suddenly, it is born gradually, and its causes can be the bad influence of comrades, the loss of interest in teaching, the negative attitude toward individual teachers, the unfavorable position in the team, etc. In all these cases, need for individual work and help the student. A positive role here can be played by a sincere conversation between the teacher and the class teacher suggestion, comrades’ council, joint 8. Advancement and solution of leading educational tasks in the process of formation of discipline and culture of behavior among students

In the system of educational work, there are always some educational tasks that require the drawing of certain aspects in the behavior and discipline of schoolchildren. For example, there may be a poor discipline of students in the changes, a systematic violation of the regime of the day, reducing diligence in doing homework, etc. Such shortcomings can apply to the whole school, and to individual classes. How to overcome them?

When solving these issues in schools, they are often limited to holding one or another one-time events. Deteriorated discipline in the changes in the class – a conversation or a meeting on this topic. A negligent attitude to school property was discovered-again a meeting or a conversation, again a discussion. It is quite natural that with the help of even well-prepared one-off verbal events, it is almost impossible to overcome such shortcomings.

In order to train students on various behavior issues, it is necessary to carry out a whole complex of educational work in this direction and for some time to influence the consciousness, feelings, behavior and will of students. Let’s look at an example. After the end of the lessons, children randomly run to the wardrobe, make a fuss when they receive clothes and, thus, break the order. Can this shortcoming be overcome with the help of one, albeit meaningful conversation or a student meeting? Of course not. To tell the truth, it would be necessary to plan and build such wardrobes so that students can take their clothes without fuss. But while they are small and close, it is necessary to overcome this lack of educational work and to teach schoolchildren without noise and fuss to go to the wardrobe. This requires a fairly long educational work. It is necessary to set before the students the task not to disturb the order, if after classes it is necessary to take their clothes in the wardrobe, increase pedagogical requirements in order to cause them the need to improve their discipline and culture of behavior. Then you need to make sure that students can quickly get their clothes, and not idle in line. It is useful in some form to discuss this issue in a classroom meeting. However, this is not enough. It is necessary to train students specifically so that they calmly follow the wardrobe, and establish proper control over their behavior in this case. Only such a combination of requirements, explanatory work and training will eventually really influence the behavior of students and help to eliminate this shortcoming.

The same should be the approach to education, if there is a need to draw the attention of students to the observance of cleanliness in school, to form a careful attitude to school property, etc.

This is the content, internal logic and methodological basis for educating pupils of conscious discipline and culture of behavior.

Formation of students’ need for observance of rules of discipline and culture of behavior

As well as the education of any personal quality, the formation of discipline and culture of behavior is based on the needs of students in their moral growth. To this end, teachers and class teachers should create such pedagogical situations in which schoolchildren would experience internal contradictions between the existing and necessary level of discipline and would strive for its improvement.

For this purpose, you can use a whole system of methodical techniques.

First of all, in school it is necessary to maintain a high sanitary hygienic culture and an exemplary internal order. Cleanliness and comfort in the corridors, classrooms and classrooms, their good illumination and decoration – all this favorably influences the behavior of students, encourages them not to pass by the paper thrown on the floor, to refrain from walking in dirty shoes, to pay attention to slovenliness. It is very important to ensure such a regime from the first days of the school year. It is necessary that at the beginning of the school the school was well repaired and beneficially acted on the students with its cleanliness, order, aesthetic design. This gives not only solemnity and significance to the beginning of the academic year, but also exerts a great disciplining influence on schoolchildren, on their feelings and consciousness.

Of great importance is that from the first days of the lesson, the watch of teachers and students themselves was accurately organized, measures for maintaining order and discipline during the changes, playing in the open air, good airing of classes, etc. were thought through. In some schools everything is provided for small things. If there is a spacious corridor in the school, where students of several classes converge on breaks, which naturally creates the preconditions for noise and running, flowers are placed in it in such a way as to create restrictions for excessive playfulness … This work is especially carefully adjusted in the early days and months of the school year in order to strengthen supervision of order and to consolidate the necessary stereotypes of behavior.

A major role in stimulating the need for development of discipline and a culture of behavior is played by tactful presentation of requirements to students at the beginning of the academic year. The methodology of these requirements is disclosed in the chapter on the education of the student collective. Here it is necessary to emphasize that the requirements in this case serve as a reminder of the rules of behavior and exacerbate the students’ experiences of internal contradictions between the existing shortcomings in their behavior and the rules arising from their school duties.

Strong and disciplining influence on students is provided by the fascinating and informative organization of academic work! ensuring, from the first days of the school year, the students’ experience of the joy of success, skilfully activating their cognitive activities and establishing benevolent relations with teachers. In this sense, the pedagogical position that discipline in the school is brought up by establishing a harmonious order in the teaching work, its high quality and skilful organization of children’s leisure, as well as benevolent relations between teachers and students, remains fully important. The pranks of children are most often in insubstantial and poorly organized lessons, and it is in these cases that the teacher has to resort to external discipline measures – notes, diary entries, etc.

Finally, on the operational level, if there is an urgent need to strengthen discipline and order in the school or a separate classroom, the need for students to improve their behavior can be called up by analyzing the shortcomings they allow and setting tasks for their urgent elimination. Such tasks are put by teachers and class leaders, if, for example, it is necessary to urgently draw; attention of schoolchildren to maintaining cleanliness in school or to improve their attitude to socially useful work, etc.

If the measures discussed above are an exemplary sanitary and hygienic order in the school, the correct organization of the behavior of students from the first days of the school year, the skilful presentation of pedagogical requirements to them and the meaningful implementation of training sessions are used skillfully and in a comprehensive manner, they create effective prerequisites for educating schoolchildren in the need for observance of rules of conduct and internal routine. 5.

Education of a conscious attitude towards observance of the rules of behavior and internal regulations established in school

Organic part of the formation of discipline and culture of behavior is the education of students’ understanding and conscious attitude to the fulfillment of their school duties and internal regulations.

The decisive role here is played by conducting meaningful explanatory work and organizing the cognitive activity of students in comprehending the rules of discipline and culture of behavior. This work should be carried out in the whole system of training and extracurricular activities.

Teaching disciplines students primarily in that it develops their intellectual horizons, raises moral awareness and promotes the assimilation of norms and rules of conduct. Great importance in this is the content of the material being studied. In this connection, it is important to emphasize and achieve a deep mastering of those aspects of the foundations of science in which the principles of morality and discipline are revealed, their importance for success in any work and strengthening of self-esteem. Thus, in the literature classes, students develop ideas about the person’s moral character, his belief in the usefulness of the discipline and the culture of the behavior of the individual, and comprehend her civic responsibilities. The study of each subject makes it possible for teachers to explain the rules of behavior and their impact on student achievement.

Significant work in this direction should be carried out by teachers and class leaders in off-hour time. What should be its content and basic forms?

An important place is explained by the rules of behavior. With this purpose, conversations and class meetings are held in schools. Themes are two-dimensional in nature. In one case, especially at the beginning of the school year, the content of the rules of behavior of students as a whole is disclosed. For example, in schools there are conversations on such topics as “What do the rules of behavior require from students?”, “What should be the behavior of schoolchildren?”, “What is discipline?”, “On duties and discipline of schoolchildren”, etc. Discussion of these issues gives students have a fairly broad idea of ​​those requirements for their behavior that stem from their school duties.

But that the rules of behavior have an effective regulatory influence on the discipline of students and contributed to their upbringing, they must be learned at the conceptual level and brought to moral convictions. Naturally, educational work in this case should be given a more concrete character. Its subjects should include a deep explanation of the most important questions of students’ behavior and help them formulate appropriate concepts. Let us confine ourselves to just one example.

The rules of behavior of pupils of the U-1X classes require that they persistently master the knowledge, study diligently and be attentive and active in the lessons. To ensure that students understand and understand these requirements, they need to help them understand what their persistence and activity in mastering knowledge should be. To do this, it is useful to conduct not one but a series of conversations: “What is perseverance in the teaching and in what is it manifested?”, “What does it mean to be attentive at the lesson,” “About cognitive activity in learning,” “On the duties of students in school” . As you can see, the content of the talks is not general, as it often happens, but is aimed at revealing specific concepts: what is perseverance in teaching, what is duty, what care is shown, and so on.

In the same way, explanatory work is conducted on other rules of conduct. This allows not only to form concepts about the most important rules of discipline, but also to repeatedly apply to explaining the same requirements to the behavior of students, constantly expanding and deepening their knowledge. Naturally, the themes and content of these conversations and meetings should correspond to the age features

The success of pedagogical communication is the success of education and upbringing

Pedagogical communication is the professional communication of the teacher with students at and outside the class, which has certain pedagogical functions and is aimed at creating a psychological climate of educational activity and relations between the teacher and students and within the student collective; its success determines success in teaching and upbringing.

Parenting is inherently a communicative process, the basis of which is communication: through communication, the teacher organizes the behavior and activities of students, assesses their work and deeds, informs about ongoing events, causes relevant experiences about misconduct, helps overcome difficulties, does not lose faith in their capabilities .

It is more difficult to speak with a child than with an adult: for this, one must be able to correctly perceive the external manifestations of his contradictory inner world, take into account the possible emotional reaction to the word addressed to him, his sensitivity to falsehood in communicating with adults. Communication is carried out not only in verbal form. A look, gesture, pose, even silence – is also an answer or an appeal to a partner.

The word of the teacher acquires the power of influence only in the event that the teacher has learned the student, showed him attention, something helped him. The most active in communicating with teachers are the pupils of primary classes. This activity is the result of trusting, kind relations between the teacher and pupils at this age: the pupils tell the teacher about the events in the family and school, about grievances, griefs and joys, read books and programs. Such communication helps the teacher to strengthen the educational power of influence on the personality of the student, to prevent disruptions in his behavior, to establish contact with parents. In secondary school, the character of communication changes, the student joins in relations with several subject teachers who know him little, and communication with him depends on the pupil’s success in the subject and the behavior in the lesson. In the process of communication, students learn not only the content of the material, but also the attitude of the teacher towards them. The nature and content of the assessments that he gives to the students, the nature of their experiences about their actions or disruptions in behavior, largely depends on the attitude of the teacher to the pupils. Attitude towards students is always shown by the teacher in communicating with them. This attitude is based on certain stereotypes. It is known that the favorable relations of teachers with students determine the accuracy and external appeal of students, their academic success, diligence and discipline.

Based on the analysis of teachers’ perception of the students, four groups of students were singled out.

The first include children who have well mastered the requirements of teachers who are well advanced, actively involved in the pedagogical process. Contact with them brings joy to the teacher in the educational and other kinds of pedagogical work. Their parents often attend school, carry out assignments of teachers, enter the parents’ committee. Wide contact with students provides a good knowledge of their psychological characteristics and more opportunities for educational influence. They are in a zone of favorable relationships. With such a relationship with teachers, there is almost no conflict, and if they happen, the teachers are sure that they “were involved by other students, and they suffer for the collective.”

The second group includes quiet students, sometimes indifferent to the events of school life, the actions of their peers – they are often not participants, but the audience of everything that happens in the school. Mutual relations with teachers from such students are limited to participation in educational work, and good academic performance creates the opinion of teachers about their “welfare” in the personal plan. Communication with them in school is of a business, evaluation character, and this is satisfied by both interacting parties – both teachers and students.

The third group includes students who are easily influenced by others, they act under the control of strong personalities. They are always ready to apologize to the teacher for misconduct, to fulfill any assignment, the relationship with such students does not take a conflictual character.

The fourth group includes independent independent children who have their own point of view on events in the school, sensitive to relations between people. This group includes students from disadvantaged families, disadvantaged losers, “difficult” children. They irritate teachers with their behavior. Sometimes the teacher, wishing to “break” their resistance, reminds them of their unhappiness, insults the students, and in return receives an answer – an insult. This style of communication leads to protracted conflicts.

Communication of the teacher with the students is fraught with a lot of unexpected things. Constant spiritual growth, the formation of a character with a relatively quiet development in junior school age before sharp jumps and breakdowns in adolescence prevent the teacher from getting complacent even with visible good communication with students. Differences in students’ moods are difficult to analyze for the moment, but the teacher must not only recognize them, but also skillfully, tactfully manage moods in the communication processes.

The changes that have taken place in the life of society have accelerated physiological growth in comparison with the past. Awareness and the possibility of obtaining information, the wide distribution of youth families, the high educational level of parents, their increased social activity, compared to the past, could not but affect the upbringing in the family. In a significant part of schoolchildren, civic development occurs with a significant delay, many of them are characterized by political naivete, consumer and dependent moods, pragmatism. Do not take this into account the teacher in communication with modern schoolchildren can not.

Communication of the teacher with his students represents a chain of interconnected and interdependent with each other, carried out in various forms and circumstances of contacts. A special role is played here by the teaching subject taught by the teacher. Any subject of the school curriculum already contains certain grounds for educational influence, for spiritual contacts, a thorough exchange of views, a serious conversation about life. The quality of teaching influences the content of the lesson, which can result in a memorable and vivid communication between the teacher and students, this is of particular importance not only in forming an interest in science, but also in affirming authority, respect, love and trust in the teacher. But the teacher often encounters a situation when his subject is not well absorbed. In this case, attention is drawn to the student’s inability to master the subject. But the process of mastering the subject and the location to the teacher of this subject are interrelated and have one common ground – the interest of communication. The presence or absence of special abilities only enhances or reduces the interest of communication.

To form a stable interest of the student to the taught subject, the teacher should pay attention to the content, depth of science and teaching methods. Any school subject for the student is interesting, if ideas, topics, meaning of teaching are interestingly presented. Soviet psychologist AN Leontiev wrote that the problem of education is, above all, the problem of the psychology of communication. As a form of communication, every school lesson is the transfer of information and at the same time the breaking of this information from the angle of educational influence on students. To maintain interest in the lesson, its development, the teacher needs to diversify the form of the lesson. For example, a lecture, a seminar, a debate, a press conference, an excursion, a test, a contest, a business game. All this can be found in life itself, in the diverse forms of people’s relationships. The lesson should carry in itself a creative principle, be a means of interested communication between the student and the teacher.

The lesson is, first of all, the business communication of the teacher with the class as with the collective. But the lesson must also be the business communication of the teacher with each student. To build communication at the lesson so that it involves all students in the class and at the same time as it were addressed to each student separately, is extremely difficult. The teacher manages to organize such communication basically only when he conducts laboratory or practical work. But the organization of such communication is possible in any lessons.

If the words of the teacher, even the most correct and sincere ones, are at odds with the deed, with the practice of life (when the student hears one thing in school, and in life he observes another), he will not be able to call back the students’ sense of support, consent. Apathy and opposition arise where there are a lot of empty declarations, there is no deep and many-sided analysis of life situations, speech abounds with cliches and platitudes, and the presentation suffers from dryness and gives schematism. Quickly bored and what is excessively simplified, chewed, repeatedly repeated. A lesson is always “riding into the unknown”, even if it is devoted to the repetition, consolidation of the material that has been traversed. It should form an interest in the subject, the need for cognition. In this connection, the lesson as a form of communication is the formation of interest not only in the subject, but also in the personality of the teacher. ”

For the success of communication, the teacher needs the ability to manage the attention of students. Acceptance of novelty, when the teacher at the very beginning of the lesson or conversation intrigues the students with the message of some new information, and not absolutely new, but such, when something new is revealed in the known phenomenon. It is good to rely on the interests of children in a conversation, for each class there can be their own characteristic techniques. If students are in a state of increased excitability and react very violently to words, then a more effective form is to feed material from less interesting to more interesting. When students are indifferent to the subject of the conversation, then the reverse order of presentation of the material will be more effective: from the most interesting to the less interesting. The effect of the phenomenon of mental contagion can also help to gain attention of pupils. It is noticed that people, when they get together, have the ability to respond to other people’s reactions.

In order to stimulate interest in the subject, the material under study can be used by various games, films, slides, books – everything that enlivens communication in the lesson, is surprising, attracts attention. The teacher should not neglect the psychological features of the formation of interest: avoiding monotony, do not go to extremes, turning the lesson into a “race with persecution,” where every minute is busy with mental work; The lesson should not take the form of slack, prolonged idleness. Children should be busy, be it a game or a job.

Teacher should skillfully break the lesson into parts, because in 7-10 minutes the attention of any audience usually decreases. Thinking wants to relax from the old logical course, so you must combine various techniques for activating your attention: a joke, a colorful example, an unexpected and vivid comparison, a small parable, an aphorism, a metaphor, a drawing, music, etc. It is important that the transition from one type of work to another in the lesson is not sharp, so as not to sound

the threat of a deuce for inattention. There should be no lethargy and stiffness. This requires a certain amount of tension on the part of the teacher, since we have to take into account the capabilities of each class member and all of them together. Feeling the tiredness of the guys, seeing that not all students can follow the given tempo of communication, the teacher should smoothly change it. Cleverly set the pace, his transitions at communication in many ways contribute to increasing the interest of students.

One of the best ways to organize active communication in a lesson is business, or situation-role play (press conference, symposium, consultation, etc.). In such a game, given and organized by the teacher, students imitate some professional functions of adults. The game reproduces the activities and relationships that develop in some real life situations. The famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky explained the game as “the realm of arbitrariness, freedom and imagination,” where “imaginary situations” are created through the use of pure meanings and meanings and an “illusory realization of unfulfilled desires” occurs. The game acts as a method by which the teacher accelerates, compacts and animates the process of practical assimilation of students’ knowledge and skills. Such games extraordinarily revive the lesson as a form of communication. In the game psychological adaptation of pupils to each other is carried out, which contributes to the improvement of the psychological climate of the collective, helps to form simultaneously a spirit of competition and mutual assistance. The essence of the game as a form of communication is that new knowledge is obtained as a result of constant dialogue, the clash of different opinions and positions, mutual criticism of assumptions, their justification and consolidation.

The teacher needs to be very attentive to the success of the students. Success must immediately be noticed, appreciated. Practically everyone can be praised for something: for appearance, beautiful handwriting, accuracy, cheerful disposition, resourcefulness. A pupil who is praised has a special feeling of trust towards the teacher. Words of approval strengthen the child’s self-esteem, strengthen self-confidence, form kindness.

Demand, consistency and consistency in the implementation of work discipline and order in the lesson and beyond it contribute to the development of the business mood of the class, and this affects in communication. Some remarks aimed at maintaining business communication, it is appropriate to say right at the lesson in the presence of the class, if only one or another act can be correlated with someone else from the class. In this case, a joke, irony, a joke works well.

In communicating with a class or group of students in training sessions, situations often arise which, as it were, are specially experienced by teachers for restraint, patience, and the ability to control oneself. More often than not, there is a situation where, in explaining a lesson, one or two students have to make the same remark several times. Often the teacher does not hold back, he is tired of disobedience, he is tired of repeating the same thing several times. Good, kind words, as it seems to him, do not reach this student, and the teacher breaks down into screaming, at threats. Such quick temper in the form of shouting helps to finish the explanation without interference, but without enthusiasm. The lesson is crumpled, the teacher has a bitter sludge from his incontinence, fervor, students – bewilderment, tension, stiffness, anxiety.

“Screaming is the surest sign of the absence of a culture of human relations,” wrote Sukhomlinsky. Restraint is an important psychological property in the communication of the teacher with the students. This quality characterizes a stable, smooth, calm, but not indifferent, not cold attitude to various situations of life. Restraint assumes neutralization of such emotions and feelings as anger, rage, discontent, hatred, contempt, etc. Management of the emotional-volitional sphere is the ability to play in advance the maximum possible failures in the mind, to exclude unexpected situations, to translate negative emotions into positive ones. The mood as a stable general emotional state plays an important role in the process of activity. The teacher must watch his mood. He must immediately rebuild his sad, depressed, low mood. The guys are most attracted to people who are characterized by a heightened, cheerful, cheerful mood. They on the contrary avoid people gloomy, unsmiling, bored. Children are fettered by the mood of sadness, depression of adults.

The most important type of professional communication between the teacher and the lesson is an extra-curricular event (evening, excursion, cultural trip, class hour, meeting). These types of communication should not resemble a lesson, otherwise schoolchildren will avoid these activities, considering them as a forced continuation of lessons.

In individual communication with students before the teacher there is always an initial psychological attitude: one must unravel the student, discover his talents, discover all the valuable that is inherent in his character. Everyone has his own temperament, ability, character: one is very easy for everyone, the other quickly gets bored, one is hardworking, the other is not averse to being too lazy. And all this must be taken into account by the teacher. For each one you need your specific-specific, individualized style of communication.

Children are taught not the instructions of an adult (teacher), but the style of interaction. Personality of the teacher, his professional communication, his success are the key to the success of the education and upbringing of children. A relationship, built on the basis of mutual respect, equality, participation, faith in the ability, provide an opportunity for self-realization and personal development of each of the participants.



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