Academic Master


Cult of Domesticity

Women have been restricted to their homes from time immemorial to the social paradigms that most scholars regard as the cult of domesticity. According to the authors, women were better placed to work from home and improve the relationships among children. They lacked the opportunity to involve in various aspects such as politics and that limited their growth in some ways. Moreover, there is the justification that it is the role of women in unifying the family and making it possible to improve on religious aspects. That was possible through the involvement of various groups to foster unity in the society (Kelley 22). The authors also justify the need for women to remain pure before marriage. Ideally, the Bible conforms to the aspect and brings the concern of every person to remain pure before marriage.

What the authors presented were meant for a given group of women, whose men were of a high of middle social class. Such women were not expected to work but instead remain submissive and embrace a high level of domesticity. The basis for a deeper understanding of the prospects is the domestic ideologies that brought about the difference between men and women. After realizing the domain given to them, women started to work together and have a platform to help themselves grow in most aspects that relate to their lives.

The four authors treat the aspects negatively since they limit women from addressing their demands in the society and remaining irrelevant. One sector that limits women in politics in which men were considered superior. The authors also conform to the fact that women were neglected from taking part in the crucial decision related to the development of homes. They could not make recommendations on finances as well as property investments. That is pure discrimination and hurts economic growth and development.

Works Cited

Kelley, Bailey. “The Cult of Domesticity.”



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