Academic Master


crucial elements of an effective communication management plan

In a project, there is a need for a communication management plan to ensure that all stages of the project are completed and that the reporting of a phase of the plan has been adequately done to the stakeholders involved. So, a good communication plan will include communication analysis requirements, communication methods and models, a communication matrix, a status report, and a change control plan, which are discussed in the following headings, and we will follow an example of a restaurant project plan regarding communication management.

Communication Requirement Analysis

Every communication plan is prepared to address some individual or group requirements. So, analysis is necessary in this regard. So, the following requirements are to be addressed by the company regarding communications:

  • The sender’s requirements are correctly met.
  • The requirements of the receiver are correctly met.
  • The right kind of communication channel has been used.

So, in light of the above three communication requirements, a restaurant project will have to set its requirements, which are exhibited in the following table.

Communication Requirement Stakeholder Medium
Customer Queries Sales Department Letter/Email/Social Media
Supplier Orders Procurement Letter/Email/Social Media
Disputes Management CRM Letter/Email/Social Media


Communication Methods and Models

An organization’s Communication methods can be either downward, upward, lateral, or horizontal, depending on the message’s nature, so one should be concerned about the communication methodology being applied and used in the process.

Communication Matrix

The communication matrix used for this purpose is as follows and prepared in the context of a restaurant.

Customer     Letter/Email/Social Media To respond to customer queries. As per the communication pattern Letter/Email/Social Media What is the message Requirement & deadline
Manager Letter/Email/Social Media To communicate with employees. As per the communication pattern Letter/Email/Social Media What is the message Requirement & deadline
Accountant Letter/Email/Social Media To calculate the profits of the business. As per the communication pattern Letter/Email/Social Media What is the message Requirement & deadline

Status Report

The status report will explain the project’s progress from the start till the end and highlight the project’s milestones. So, the major component of a status report will include:

Component Description
Introduction This part will include a formal briefing of the project and its importance.
Status of Project It will explain what the speed of a project is.
Milestones The parts of the project which have been completed.
Lessons Learnt The bottlenecks that have been faced in this process.
Conclusion A favorable end to the project communication plan.

Change Control Plan

The change control plan will highlight the changes required in the change management process. So, a change control plan has the following format:

Change Requested By Change Requested Request Date Reviewed By Priority Impact
The person is asking for change. The nature of the change to be made. The date on which request is placed. The manager is reviewing it. High/Medium/Low High/Medium/Low




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