Academic Master


Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory (CRT) evaluates culture and society in terms of race and racism. CRT is a theoretical framework that helps in understanding the cultural perceptions of the victims of racism. CRT investigates the systematic racism and the reactions of the victim toward the racial prejudice in society. CRT also focuses on the existence and maintenance of white supremacy in society and efforts for achieving emancipation in society. Applications of CRT as a critical lens on current media artifacts will help to understand the conventional roles of white supremacy and black people in society. White supremacy is dominating the blacks who are unable to react against the prevailing inequalities of the society. The paper will explore how the current media artifact is repeating the stereotypical roles of races in society.

A CRT scholar “Robin DiAngelo” focused on racial representation in the culture of America. She wrote the book “White Fragility,” in which she argued that many whites in the community brought up and lived comfortable and segregated lives. In the normal lives, white people do not allow black people to give feedback on their actions or discuss their personal experiences with them because of the power differences. DiAngelo’s work is exploring that white fragility is the major cause of upholding white supremacy and dominance in the society. The difference is evident in the proposed artifact in which whites are enjoying a comfortable life but blacks are struggling hard to survive in the society. The language, norms, policies, and other artifacts of the country are supporting the white supremacy in the society at the expense of others (DiAngelo). The analysis of media artifact is affirming and reflecting that the black race is the water in which whites are swimming. Moreover, blacks in society are shaping the white supremacy.

CRT also discuss about “social construction,” that elaborate race as a product of society and racial difference and is determined by the stereotypical thoughts and relations of the society. Lee discussed the white privilege in the society and proclaimed that whites are enjoying social, economical, and political benefits due to their race as compare to the non-whites (Bell, 158). White privilege involves the role of culture that is dominating the experiences and lives of whites and ignoring the presence of colored people in the society. The critical analysis of current media artifact is highlighting the dominance of white culture over the blacks. Blacks are represented in a fragile position as compared to the whites.

Moreover, the artifact is showcasing Micro-aggression as a negative attitude of the dominant race towards the marginalized group of the society. Micro-aggression is unconsciously contributing to the subordination of the marginalized race by the dominant culture of the society. In the current artifact, the whites are racializing the blacks who are shown in a subordinate position. Moreover, the institutionalized racism is also shown in the media artifact and blacks are in a position where they are deprived of every opportunity of life. Delgado proclaimed that the individual’s beliefs and identity should not be determined by religion, sexuality, nationality, and race in any society. Therefore, dominant culture and society should not impose identities and memberships on the individuals (DiAngelo).

In conclusion, Institutionalized racism and white privilege are playing major roles in maintaining the subordinate position of non-whites in the United States. CRT analysis of the current media artifact is representing the white supremacy in the society where the dominant culture is marginalizing the black race in the community.

Work Cited

DiAngelo, Robin. White fragility: Why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism. Beacon Press, 2018.

Bell, Lee Anne, Barbara J. Love, and Rosemarie A. Roberts. “Racism and white privilege curriculum design.” Teaching for diversity and social justice. Routledge, 2007. 147-168.



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