Academic Master


Concisely Define the “Examined Life” Refering to Socrates in “Apology.”

According to Socrates, the ‘examined life’ denotes the life where a person seeks to achieve virtue. It can be taken to relate to all that Socrates worked to achieve when he was doing the philosophical work throughout his entire life. Concerning Socrates view of the examined life, he claims that the best thing a person can do during his or her life is to talk to others about the virtue. Socrates demands that what such type of an individual can be working upon is doing the great work of identifying the society and the life people are living. Though performing these activities, such as person would be said to be trying to figure out the activities that command virtue in the society. It these act that Socrates translates to mean an ‘examined life.’ An examined life ought to be the one a person constantly examines the society as well as him or herself throughout his life. The main aim would be ensuring that the person and the community try to remain as virtuous as possible.

The good life

Concerning Plato’ Socrates, life is held in a manner of preparing to die. The piece denotes that people possess now has eternal significance. It is argued that good life defines having the knowledge, justice in the soul, and being self-disciplined. A variety of definitions tries to define what good life is. For instance, according to Nietzsche, good life as that which conforms to the enthusiasm. Other views of the good life involve the ancient perspective of life as a chance to enjoy ourselves as we wait to die. The concept defines as an opportunity that people should take merry, enjoy themselves, and wait to depart the world. Regardless of the many views of good life, it is possible to settle on a single definition of life. The fact that there exist differences between people, cultures, desires, and aptitudes, it is in a similar way that getting a concrete definition of the meaning of ‘good life’ is unlikely. There is, therefore, a need to explore the different ideas and contrast between the general approach to good life and other definition. One of the other worldly approaches accrues that people are in a world where there are deprivation and suffering. For instance, according to Plato, the philosopher claims that the body is an impediment to knowledge and that he the body is weak in comparison to the body. Therefore, the soul has the power to rule over the body. The good life must be that ability of the soul to overcome the inclinations of the body. The power to fight the mortal and all its frailties help fight the desires of the body. For one to lead a good life, he or she must suppress the ego. The major sins the human being is the sin of pride. For a person to live good life, the self must be delineated. The separation is possible through altruism and the behaviour of self-sacrificing. A person must forget about the pride of being better than others are and lead a life of service to other people. Furthermore, for one to claim to lead a good life, he or she must accept the existence of higher things other than the ordinary paltry, fearful, and insecure life. All that matters in a human being is the soul.



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