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Common Mistakes That Attract Pests to Your Home

If you have a pest problem in your home, you might be making some common mistakes that homeowners tend to make. What are you doing in your daily life that attracts pests to your home? Here are some things to watch out for, and if you can avoid doing them, you will cut down on how many pests are in your home and how attractive your home is to them.

Leaving Screens Damaged

If the screens covering your windows or doors get holes in them, you may not think it is much of a problem. Those holes might not bother you because of how small they are, but you should be concerned about more than simply the visual appeal. Screens have a job to do, and they are designed to keep pests out while allowing fresh air in. If screens are damaged, pests can enter your home more easily. Some very industrious pests may even make holes larger to give themselves entrance.

Not Covering Your Trash Cans

The trash cans in your home will definitely attract pests if they are not kept covered. As you toss scraps, crumbs, and other food items into your bins, they create smells that may be unpleasant to you but that are very welcoming to pests. Covering them prevents the odors from escaping outdoors to where pets are waiting. Uncovered trash cans signal to pests that this is a good area to hang out.

Make sure that your trash cans are well covered with lids that fit them properly and trap in odors as well as prevent trash from falling out. Regularly clean trash cans to prevent foul odors from building up and creating smells that even lids can’t contain well adds Lana who is an Imagine Maid.

Allowing Leaks to Continue

If you ask a plumber what to do about leaks in your home, they will tell you to get them fixed immediately. Leaks can cause damage over time that will destroy structural materials. In addition, leaks create water sources for pests, making your home an attractive place for them to stay. Pests are looking for both food and water, and any kind of leak in your home who will tell them that they can get water there whenever they want. Why not make it more difficult for pests to hang out with you by cutting off their water supply?

Allowing Your Home to Stay Dirty

Everyone’s home gets dirty from time to time. It’s understandable if your home looks a little dirty right now, but it’s a bad idea to allow it to stay dirty. Pests love to hide in the clutter and dirtiness of homes that are not being cleaned. Clean homes have fewer hiding places for pests and less food for them to live off of. Also, if you clean your home regularly, you will make pests uncomfortable with the level of activity going on in all corners of the house. They may not want to stick around in a home that is frequently cleaned.

A professional cleaning agency can help take care of the chores that you can’t get to on a routine basis. However, if you do a little cleaning each day, you may be able to get through most of the house over the course of the week. Doing this helps keep pests outside and ensures your house stays tidy.

This is one of the best methods for reducing and eliminating pests in the home. They simply hate clean houses. You will be getting rid of the dust and debris that they like to hide out in. You will also be removing food sources and unpleasant odors that attract pests as you clean. If you have a pest problem, sometimes the best way to deal with it is to simply clean your house.

Permitting Clutter to Build Up

Clutter is something that we all deal with, but it is not something we should tolerate if we want to keep our homes as pest free as possible. Clutter attracts bugs and rodents because it gives them lots of dark, cozy places to hide. If you want to keep pests out, then keep your home organized, regularly tidying up to make life difficult for vermin of all kinds. If you get into the habit of cleaning as you go, you will be able to stay ahead of the clutter and not let it get out of control too much. Take time each day to put things back where they go so that clutter doesn’t get the best of you.

It is a good idea to get rid of things you don’t need or at least store them away. Removing items you don’t use every day can give you a lot more space in your home and make it easier to clean the house. This clears up floor space and counter space so that you can see pests more easily and clean up spills and dirt without as many obstacles in the way. It is smart to target the clutter in your home from time to time so that you minimize the pest presence there.

Keeping Trash in the House for a While

The final mistake we want to mention is not taking out the trash as often as you should. In many homes, it is advisable to take out the garbage once a day. This keeps odors from spreading and rotting food from attracting pests. Put the garbage into an outside receptacle that is well-covered and away from the house.

It is okay to take the trash outside even if the trash bag is not full. If you want to keep it in the house, though, but the odor is getting worse, you can use a deodorizing or air freshening spray to counteract the smell and make the trash less attractive to pests.

Try to avoid these common mistakes that homeowners and renters make. If you do, you will be able to win the fight against pests in your home.



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