Academic Master


“Come With Me To The FOMC” Topic Summary

“Come with me to the FOMC” is a topic extracted from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis with remarks presented by Governor Laurence Meyer at the Gillis lecture at Willamette University and Salem. The exception was presented, however, in a meeting which consisted of five presidents from the original Federal Reserve Banks and seven Federal Reserve Board governors. It explains how the FOMC meeting is conducted and organized. The participants sit in hierarchical order from senior to junior, thus enhancing a flexible flow of orders and discussion.

The source explains the key points which are discussed in FOMC meetings. It outlines how different orders are observed and to what extent they can be effective in upcoming meetings. The source also discusses different Fed policies which are followed in establishing and defining important microeconomics operations (Meyer, 1998). My response on the topics is that the source is quite important as it establishes strong and competent skills and knowledge for students partaking in micro-finance and banking operations studies. The writer’s discussion of key economics and policymaking needed in shifting finances from outlook to monetary policies seems useful as it builds a better understanding of microeconomic students.

“Happening: A Clean Energy Revolution”

This source is a documentary film from innovation and technology articles. The main film character is James Redford, who embarks most on the colourful personal journey of inventing a pure environment and building discoveries towards the production of clean energy. The main concepts and ideas of the film are to show how microeconomics students discover ideas through the process of invention and innovation, thus creating jobs, turning high profits and making communities enjoy health and strong energy around the US. The topic also discusses on energy revolution of consuming energy in a renewable form.

My response towards this topic is that, as Redford argues, the clean energy revolution is much better to be adopted in the process of pioneering clean energy solutions in comparison to other forms of entrepreneurship. However, this topic becomes more important in enhancing students’ understand better on how clean energy works through the use of Redford’s discoveries. Thus, someone can ask what the topic means on a personal level and enhance audience levels. The useful part, in this case, is how the film explores the issues concerning human resilience, embracing the future, social justice and finding hopes for community survival in the United States (Redford, 2017).

“Tai Lopez Ted Talk”

The source title in which Tai Lopez delivers the importance of having professional mentors to achieve success in life is “Why I Read Books and Why You Should Too. Lopez acts as the presenter in the film. The main ideas and concepts in this source are to show upcoming entrepreneurs or any individual who wants to be successful to read more as well as seek advice from successful people such as Bill Gates, Buffet, etc. He talks about the essence of time and how individuals can use it to achieve healthy, wealth, happiness and love. Lopez Tai outlines the four key rules an individual should adopt from mentors in order to attain success. They include the mentor rules, which are also known as the law of 33%, humility, perseverance, and books (Lopez, 2015).

My response to this topic is that Lopez’s talk has a good relevance in the channels of an individual to attain success. However, it is clear from his point that “everybody wants a good life, but not everyone is willing to read to get it”. This means that students should take reading as a way to succeed. There are not questions after this reflection as it is presented in providing positive motivations to entrepreneurs. The most useful part is that books should be used as friends and not a one-time event.


“Ideocracy” is given to the film which discovers a society which has incredibly dumped the old culture and has adopted the future technology. It is directed by Mike Judge with him also as the screenplay and story developer, other participants are Luke Wilson Dax Shepherd and Maya Rudolph. The key concepts in this film’s storyline are pertaining to how some generations in certain societies might dream of undergoing evolutions in a way that can wipe away normal human life. This is based on the idea that individuals who are smarter than others in some parts of the world have excellently brought success to the improvement of technology but exploitation of the environment. Therefore, the apocalyptic vision has brought the world into a dumping case based on the idea those with lower IQs breed faster (Judge, 2006).

In my response, despite the strengths the movie has in exploiting modern technology, it also has a distinct feel of a movie which seems to have been taken away from the director and actors. Questions on this topic can be based on how credible the technology is compared to today’s world. The useful part, in this case, is the ideas on advancing the world from the use of modern technology to becoming completely dependency on technology.

“The Big Short”

“The Big Short” is a money storyline film which can also be titled “The Wolf of Wall Street”. The film was edited and directed by Adams McKay together with Charles Randolph. The film intertwines three discrete storylines of the mortgage housing crisis. The film outlines how a banking organization became the top in United States bank industries, thus attracting customers. However, bankers, unfortunately, concocted some mortgage financial tools with the main aim of enhancing the rich to screw higher over the poor or little guys. However, the money smelt making the adventures earn out of it during 2008 real-life of world economic melting down. This happened when Michael Burry, in the film, bets over $ 1 billion of his investors in order to credit default swaps. However, by so doing he attracts other greedy opportunists who lead to the collapse of the economy in Africa (McKay, 2015).

Upon my response entrepreneurs and other investors should not just rush at business opportunity and bet all their worth in them, however, they should take time to study and master the market flow. Again, even if opportunities come and probably only the rich have money, they are not supposed to grab them all but share some with the poor. What could be other challenges leading to impending economic collapse? Finally, one of the useful parts of this paper is the lesson learned from the greed of the three storylines.

Stress Management

Almost all students taking a College Test with the aim of achieving high grades experience some stress during the tests. This is an unavoidable part of the student’s life, and in most cases, it can be tough and hard to crack. This is because, in most cases, stress exists due to some reasons, and therefore, one can choose to let it be their downfall or utilize it to be a driving factor of success. According to (Leyden, 2015) to manage exam stress one has to first understand the reasons which are behind this heightened anxiety. For easy conduct and to avoid test stress, you should establish methods of reducing the stress pressures during and after studying for exams. Test stress can be commonly encountered due to low levels of motivation, high competition from peers, high expectations from others and lack of good planning and preparation.

This feeling can be managed in several ways. During preparations for the tests, you need to know what you are expected to understand. This can be achieved through revision and consultations with your instructor or syllabus. You are supposed to study in conditions which look similar to your test so that you can get prepared psychologically. Management of time wisely is a key point as it enhances one to avoid rushing at the last minute. Eat enough food and give your mind enough sleep. Lastly is knowing where you study best as well as taking breaths during your studies. This is important as it enhances the mind’s relaxation and gains more power.

How To Manage Your Time And Be Organized

Most individuals claim that they do not have enough time to handle their duties, but this is not true, as everyone has the same number of hours per day. However, this means that they have poor time management, and thus, they need to train themselves on how to manage time and get organized for hyper-production. The only way individuals can attain responsibility in attending all their appointments and getting organized is by managing time wisely. This will enable them to work smarter and not harder. Management of time does not mean squeezing bulk tasks in one day possible, but it simply means the strategy someone uses to work, such as doing things faster and accordingly, as well as relieving stress.

Management of time and getting organized can be done in the following ways. Completing the most important tasks first enhances your day to become a success, and you can move to the rest later. Learn to say no in situations where committing yourself cannot be a success. This will enable you to manage your time properly and persevere in various engagements. The devotion of your entire focus towards the tasks at hand becomes a key issue in planning when and how to do it. Another way to manage your time and get organized is to have enough time to sleep and start your day early. Lastly, you are not supposed to allow unimportant details to destruct you plans, therefore, you should turn-key tasks into habits (Jackler, 2016). All these actions later will enable you to attain a smooth time usage and organized work.


Jackler, R. K. (2016). How to Be Organized and Manage Time. The Associate Professor Guidebook, pp. 23-38.

Judge, M. (Director). (2006). Idiocracy [Motion Picture].

Leyden, A. (2015). How to Beat Exam Stress in 10 Easy Ways. Go Congr, pp. 2-7.

Lopez, T. (Director). (2015). Tai Lopez Ted Talk [Motion Picture].

McKay, A. (Director). (2015). The Big Short [Motion Picture].

Meyer, L. (1998). Come with me to the FOMC. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.

Redford, R. (Director). (2017). “Happening: A Clean Energy Revolution” [Motion Picture].



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