Academic Master


Cognitive Biases And The Authority Of Science Video Review

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From Kevin’s videos, some aspects arise. However, two main elements that are striking throughout the video are the impact of cognitive bias in thinking and the design of the scientific methods used to address the biases from the cognitive perspective. A cognitive bias relates to a designed error in reasoning and affects how a person reacts to various elements in his or her environment. The human brain has the largest memory, and any action will depend on the information stored. The approach that a person takes in remembering events shapes the manner in which they think. Imagine walking down the street and a dog attacks you. The possibility of running away when you see a dog is high due to the stored memory. The second dog is not likely to attack you, but the attachment of fear created is the main reason for such behaviour. That is the kind of bias that the human memory is capable of involving on most occasions. Such biases can also result in limited attention. People decide what to listen to, and that affects how people see things in their space.

The use of scientific methodology is helpful in distinguishing between a meaningful and meaningless set of data (P, 2011, June 12). That banks on controlled studies as well as statistical methods. The existence of an undisciplined pattern of thinking is the first cause of the error and presents a negative impact in most spaces. Second, individuals tend to focus on evidence that they use to solve the hypothesis. The use of science neutralizes since it justifies occurrences. The use of science tends to offer evidence which might not apply on most occasions. That arises since correlation never applies to causation, which is the main reason for the discrepancies in most spaces.


P. (2011, June 12). Retrieved April 14, 2018, from



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