Academic Master


Children’s Disorders Identified In School

The assessment discovered that most children in school are suffering from emotional disorders. The emotional disorder causes anxiety and affects the personal behaviour of children, and therefore, it makes children not concentrate on their studies (Crunch, 2013). The assessment conducted discovered that children were less concerned about studies and did not socialize with their colleagues. It is a sign which shows the effect of emotional behaviour disorder. Some of the children had poor judgment and reasoning on issues and were not willing to speak to their teachers. Some children display moods of unhappiness and are not willing to engage in any communication (College & James, 2015). The assessment was done by critically looking into the historical background of every child and their behaviour to identify the cause of change in their behaviours


It is normally when adults have mental problems or disorders, they are taken to the hospital for mental treatment, but where do we take kids with mental problems? As stated by College and James (2015) children with mental problem require proper mental attentions and therefore, the best medical attention which should be applied to cure emotional disorder among children is for teachers to work together with children with emotional disorder to develop programs which can help in addressing the challenges.

Differentiate Training Methods

It is appropriate for teachers to initiate different modes of training for children, which can be effective and less stressful and cannot cause behaviour change. It is because, through the assessment, it was discovered that some children are suffering from emotional behaviour disorder (EBD). The school should have supportive programs for children with EBD so that they can be part of the school. The school should offer peer mentoring, self-management intervention, and Tiered programs intervention as part of evidence-based intervention (Bacon & Lane, 2013).

Suggestions For Teachers And Parents

It is suggested that parents and teachers should work together to create an environment for students with EBD to learn and change their behaviour. Therefore, teachers should organize or structure seating in a classroom in a way that does not cause disruptions or provoke students seated close to the teacher (DiPasquale & Hoop, 2012). Teachers also should give incentives to students who behave well or perform well in class as a way of encouragement, and this is likely to influence other children to emulate (Ogundele, 2018). This should be part of comprehensive classroom management to address issues which affect students in class. It allows teachers and parents to monitor any change in behaviour and provide immediate advice to the student affected.

Holistic management strategies can also be applied as an intervention technique for child and family-based psychological strategies, which include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to address emotional behaviour disorder (EBD). This can help address the problem of communication and also enhance techniques for skills training of kids to address EBD. It is one of the best methods which can help address advanced emotional behaviour disorder (Richard, 2013). It is an effective educative method for children and adolescents people, and therefore, holistic management strategies should be applied as one of the strategies to address emotional behaviour disorder.

Ethical Issues To Be Considered

It is proper to identify and use ethical language and communicate obligations to caregivers or parents to make sure there are no mistakes made in the process (bellesheim, 2016). It is proper to adhere to the ethical code, and therefore, the information shared by the students shall never be shared with anyone. It is to make sure that confidentiality is maintained to protect the identity of children affected to avoid causing more trauma (Warren & Jeffrey, 2013).


Bacon, A., & Lane, K. (2013). Effective Intervention Strategies for Behavior Problems. 2-34.

bellesheim, K. (2016). Ethical Challenges and Legal Issues for Mental Health Professionals Working With Family Caregivers of Individuals With Serious Mental Illness. Journal Ethical and Behavior, 2-34.

College, L., & James, R. (2015). Emotional or Behavioral Disorders. 25 (12), 2-34.

Crunch, P. (2013). Effective Programs for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. 2-34.

DiPasquale, T., & Hoop, J. G. (2012). Ethics and Culture in Mental Health Care. 2-34.

Ogundele, M. O. (2018). Behavioural and emotional disorders in childhood: A brief overview for paediatricians. 2-34.

Richard, S. (2013). Emotional/Behavioral Disorder. 23 (12), 2-34.

Warren, J., & Jeffrey, M. (2013). Ethical Issues in Eating Disorders Treatment: Four Illustrative Scenarios. VISTAS: Ideas and Research You Can Use:.



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