Academic Master


BON Requirements


Chapter 303.002 is concerned with the general provision of the committee, 303.003 talks about the membership, 303.004 lines out the requirements of regarding peer review by more than two entities, 303. Outlines requests for determination of the peer group committee, it is one of the longest sections of this chapter, 303.006 talks about the confidentially of the report on proceedings. 303.007 talks about disclosure of the review information, 303.007; information sharing. 303.008; isstatement of rebbutal, 303.009; retaliations, 303.010; is about the civil liability, 303.011; committee evaluation and 303.012; classification of system error (Beckstead 2009).

Question 1: The BON requirements for employer establishment of peer review committees are:

  1. An employer setting up a peer review committee is required to do so under the act found in chapter 303 and 301.

These are done in two categories depending on whether employment is for vocational or professional purposes.

Vocational: This applies if the employer frequently employs hires or even contracts ten or more nurses.

Professional: it applies if the employer hires, contracts or employs more than ten nurses five of whom must be registered nurses.

  1. A person setting up a peer review committee under these sections may do so by subcontracting another relevant entity to do so on his or her behalf.

Question 2

The purpose of peer review committee is to perform an evaluation and recommend improvement recommendations on the quality of healthcare provision offered by medical practitioners. They ascertain whether the healthcare given complies with the set standards; the determination of whether the costs of the care provided are reasonable within the area of provision and whether the health care provider is fit to perform his or her duties (&NA; 1960).


&NA;, &NA;. “Uninterrupted Patient Care and Nursing Requirements.” Nursing Research, vol. 9, no. 4, 1960, p. 215.

Beckstead, Jason W. “Peer-reviewed scientific journals in nursing: To who are we writing?” International Journal of Nursing Studies, vol. 46, no. 9, 2009, pp. 1166-1167.



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